Metal Gear Solid Collectibles

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Wow, Metal Gear Rex is priced like a HT Batmobile!!! :slap I just hope it wreaks awesomeness just like the Batmobiles.
I'm ready for REX! But, I actually hope that Kojima delays this until the San Diego Comic Con, so we'll have the opportunity to see pictures and demos of a real final production model, before having to place pre-orders.
Does 3A release different versions of same figure? More specifically, would they release Rex and do another version later??
I wasn't following 3A products much. so just asking...
Does 3A release different versions of same figure? More specifically, would they release Rex and do another version later??
I wasn't following 3A products much. so just asking...

I think Ashley Wood mentioned about there being an "Ash" version of REX. Or something along the lines. But, it really depends on Ashely Wood himself and how far he wants to take the license. REX wasn't really a priority for ThreeA, and it's apparent that Wood was dragging his foot the whole time. It took ThreeA about two years to even release pictures of their prototype.
Great news on Rex

Where is the best prices for Snake and Gray Fox in the UK?


This is an old oic but is this around what it will look like?

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for people that might be interested REX should still be this month, just confirmed now the date has to be announced, Konami have signed off on the figure and the date.....price I'm guessing is still around the $490 before 3AA discount and no doubt includes shipping.
I hate to say it but I'm going to say it again, those grey fox pics....well based on those pics alone I think the figure looked better with the grey paint only.
Regarding the 3A - MGS

"green light to sell it on a certain date, the toy is done, with MGS you dont tell konami when your just gonna sell it, its a joint effort. but if you want more drama in your life pertaining to what it meant go for it. should still be this month, getting the photos done soon."

So that is cool, i'm hoping SSC or OSB carries this :pray:

Saw this on the ThreeA facebook, i think it's the official one :dunno

Someone asked if Sideshow will carry it...

Haven't heard about it, only about Bambalandstore. Thank you for your interest!
So is this Bambalandstore new? The site is empty with no product at all?
Or are they all sold out as they get posted, and they remove it from site?

The site only has stuff when up for sale, keep an eye out for when they appear.....I'm sure a date will be communicated but make to be there when it goes up as history has shown us 3A figures don't last long on the site......:yess:
I think Meryl's expression and paints are pretty good.

Snake definitely looked better unpainted and his head is just way too small:slap
Snake : bad (like he uses drugs or sth. Hope its just the lighting)
Cyborg Ninja : badass
Meryl : Pretty good (but still not buying)

No Solidus ?

Edit Snake was postpone to May ?
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