just tried to order the new limtoys deluxe set on kg and i cant find it!?!?!? am i late to the party already? i thought we were only talking about this 2-3 weeks ago.
Someone just pointed out to me that the set doesn't come with a seamless body.
Check the fine print on pics where all accessories are displayed.
Jack, are you putting it up at kghobby? That's where I shop.
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Yes,it doesn’t come with a seamless body.
You need to buy Tbleague S19B(suntan mid breast footless) separately.
I have some reasons to sell them like this and a lot of folks hate it.
Whatever,for new releases I guarantee it won’t be sold like this.
Seriously ? It's some kind of joke ? You're gonna lose client this way. I thought that the last products were the only one which are incomplete releases.
I have to quote your words:
So this time we have the headscuplt but no body. You kept your word. This time we have the headsculpt ... bo no body. Maybe next time we gonna have body and headsculpt but have to buy equipment separately xD
I mean I don’t think he’s gonna sell it for the price of a full figure without the body. It’s not that big of a deal. I don’t see anyone else selling this set like this. Unless you want the Mr. Toys set and even that one has no body.
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The seamless body is on the market every where, every where,is it so hard to get? But the head sculpt is unique and hard to buy.
This Tbleague company monopolized the seamless body market,due to those reason I can’t get wholesale from them, that’s why I sell quiet this way. Man if you put yourself in to my position I don’t think you can come up with any better solution.
I tried my best to negotiate with them and it didn’t work.
So I hope you can understand, and if you are not happy about it you can just ignore it right?
so i checked for the new deluxe pack for a bit now and it still isnt back up at kg hobby.