That half-scale version looks great. I have the full-scale versions of REX and RAY, but no room to display either figure

New in my collection : ThreeA : Metal Gear Rex (Half Size)
Why'd you have to remind me?I kick myself for passing on Rex and Ray.
Got my LIM005 set the other day. While overall good, there are lots of little things that take it down a few pegs.
First off, the outfit on Venom Snake has lots of nice little details, but a lot of the stuff involving straps or relying on straps are all kinda loose and don't stay put easily, plus you can't tighten them.
Another clothes related thing are the armbands not being secure at all and slide all over the place. Thinking about stitching all sorts of things in place to hold them there.
Next are the hands. For some inconceivable reason you get one gun holding hand for each figure, and neither are very good. Boss's hand can't actually hold a gun, the gun needs to just be wedged in and even the slightest movement will make it fall out. Then Venom's hand is bent at such an odd angle he can't hold it as someone normally would. I understand giving us that Venom hand, but why not also include a straight one for normal posing?
Accessories are next. While most are pretty good, others have issues staying in one piece. The slightest bit of pressure snapped the antenna of the Idroid off, and did so in such a way that it couldn't just be plugged back in and glued. I had to carve out part of the inside to get it back in and hold it in place while super glue dried. Then a couple of the hard pouches on Venom, that fall off too easily, peel at the back, needing more glue to keep them together. The silencers are a little too flimsy, constantly needing to be messed with, as they don't stay in place very well. Also, for that big pouch that comes separately, there aren't really any instructions on how to get it on properly. Then there's the walkman that I found to be too bulky to keep on the belt, otherwise it would push those pouches on his torso off. Lastly the cape/scarf thing, while good looking once you manage to get it right, the stitching seems be coming apart after a bit of handling, and strands are coming off.
However, there are many positives. The sculpts look pretty solid on both figures, though you can kinda see the seam on Boss's head. I love all the scar details on Venom, from the head to the arm, all looking good. Speaking of arms, both robot arms on Venom look great. They have a solid build and don't stand out on the figure in a bad way, but in a pretty good way, eye catching.
There are plenty of accessories, and most hold up well. The projection for the Idroid is a fantastic touch and looks nice, just to give an example. Most of them have nice detailing and fit in with the figures very well.
Both have great articulation, though I think they could've given Boss's a double bend at the elbow, as his are hidden. All together though they can achieve some splendid poses. Would really like to see if Boss could be posed to ride on a 1/6 motorcycle.
Both have wonderful presence and look once posed. They definitely give off that kind of weathered but intimidating look both characters have in game.
Overall, while the issues are small, they are many and stack up, kinda hindering the positives. Though all things considered it's still a pretty awesome set, and is for a fair price. I think with some tweaking these two could be perfect.
Though, with the negatives on this set, it makes me weary of the Quiet set, as that is all accessories. I'm quite interested in seeing the end result on that one nonetheless.
Tell me about it. I've been hunting him down for months.
Get the sentinel Sahelanthropus it's pretty awesome.
Sent from my moto z3 using Tapatalk
Get the sentinel Sahelanthropus it's pretty awesome.
Sent from my moto z3 using Tapatalk
Mine too but unfortunately two akceesories are missing:
- e-cigar
- one silencer
and is there something missing in the NG on the right ? Or should it look like this.
On the left from 002 on the right from 005
I just checked mine and looks like im missing a lot of accessories. Who do I contact about this?
just check the bottom of the sponge.
Some accessory may fell off during transport
I took every out....stuff im missing....both pistols...knife...D-Droid...Tape.
don’t worry,report it to the retail seller, they will contact us