Still can't believe they left MPO out, it's a big chunk of Big Boss story missing and they are so going all out on him I wonder why they ignore it.
Still can't believe they left MPO out, it's a big chunk of Big Boss story missing and they are so going all out on him I wonder why they ignore it.
My guess is, since it didn't get any sort of port to consoles, they're not going to spend the extra $$$ to fund a port for the sake of this collection.![]()
And it's a shame, I thought it had a much better story to the franchise than PW. Did you play it?
Yeah, only once since it was on a friends borrowed PSP. I felt it added more to the legacy than Peace Walker. Peace Walker feels tacked on and unnecessary![]()
Yeah, If I had to choose between the two, it would be MPO.
Didn't much care for the bosses in PW.
@ZombieRepublican No tracking via SAL, I usually get all items from HLJ between 7-14 days. Add on 7 days if HMRC have held it for customs charges...
Regarding MPO and PW, I could never control using the PSP properly so I was thankful for the inclusion of PW in the HD Collection and still wish MPO got the same treatment.
I read in a review that the dodgy camera gets you caught expectedly sometimes in MPO, is that true?
MPO may not be great, but it's still canon as far as I know.
The singing robots were stupid![]()
I thought that Viper's introduction was pretty cool, as someone from Big Boss's past. PO also had Frank Jaeger and Campbell (along with Eva, Raikov and Ocelot to a lesser extent). In my opinion, that game did a lot of fan service, and added to premise of how Big Boss acquired the funds to start Outer Heaven. It might not have been that much of a great MGS game, but I still enjoyed the storyline significantly more than Peace Walker's.
Fan service was at least done well in that, there wasn't one thing I enjoyed at all from PW's story![]()
Yup. Singing robots; an annoying kid who talks about UFOs and imaginary monsters; an even more annoying dude in a wheelchair who looks and sounds like Otacon (maybe Otacon was cloned from Huey in the "Les Enfants Nerds" project); a super-powered mech with The Boss's brains; no human bosses; gay scenes with Big Boss and Kaz. There's just too much to list.![]()
Yup. Singing robots; an annoying kid who talks about UFOs and imaginary monsters; an even more annoying dude in a wheelchair who looks and sounds like Otacon (maybe Otacon was cloned from Huey in the "Les Enfants Nerds" project); a super-powered mech with The Boss's brains; no human bosses; gay scenes with Big Boss and Kaz; There's just too much to list.![]()
Let's not forget "peace" this and "peace" that. "My name is Kaz, it means PEACE". "I'm Paz. My name means PEACE, and I attended the University of PEACE". As for Kojima, he was probably, "Hey guyzzz and Shinkawazzz, here's a huge mech, let's call it PEACE Walker, and use a PEACE sign for the cover, and call our new game PEACE walker!".
Other than that Peace Walker was great. I enjoyed some aspects of the story, particularly the Peace Walker boss.
Paz Kaz bla bla bla. I wished they called him Miller. But most importantly Peace Walker was fun to play! The same cannot be said about PO
cheers for the info bud. Hopefully mine comes through next week then![]()