I actually broke mine the exact same way all I did was add a little super glue let it set and popped it on it's a little tough though
Sent from Shadow Moses by codec.
Sent from Shadow Moses by codec.
Do it or I'll kick you in the nuts.
Sent from Shadow Moses by codec.
Do it or I'll kick you in the nuts.
Sent from Shadow Moses by codec.
its a matter of preference i guess. both are awesome. not too sure which i like more really..................i was the white version the first playthrough though. i guess hes my favorite based on that, but aesthetically, theyre both so great. so your answer is: i dont know.
Oh sorry, I meant the LE with the plasma lamp. I'm not sure which is more awesome, the black PAK or a frikkin' plasma lamp.
Eeeww. Not the plasma lamp. I'd go for the PAK figure. The North American LE is still available from Amazon at retail price - it's hardly a limited item.
Eeeww. Not the plasma lamp. I'd go for the PAK figure. The North American LE is still available from Amazon at retail price - it's hardly a limited item.
Whaa.. why? You don't find shiny sparkling things appealing?