I'm being serious, Jason. You constantly derail The Dark Knight Metal Gear Rises threads with MGS stuff. Just stop man!
Edit: Any of you bought the 25th version of MGS4? does every copy of every region includes de double sided poster? I saw it recently, and its awesome <3 a guy over here is selling that poster for USD$15
What are you talking about? @ frank jaeger
Sent from Shadow Moses by codec.
You're exaggerating. Don't make fun. What if they hear you? I wouldnt want to be you if that happened.........
Sent from Shadow Moses by codec.
To the guys who got their revoltech snakes, did your figure have a tight bandanna peg hole at snakes back? the one i saw on a local shop here on the philippines has a tight one andi think you have to drill it to make slot for the bandanna peg. I asked for a different stock just to make sure
See...............that's what happens.:
Sent from Shadow Moses by codec.
I didn't rub it in.........it happens to the best of us. If you saw the rape I performed to get those you'd cry.
Oh by the way thanks!
Sent from Shadow Moses by codec.
What's your worst MGS-related missed opportunity? Mine has to be not getting the PC version of MGS2 at dirt cheap when it came out. Another was the MGS Pilot Disc someone was selling for $10.