koji denounces it too. he says he didnt even know it was being created.
koji denounces it too. he says he didnt even know it was being created.
I got this printed out today.
I got this printed out today.
$315 for REX is fantastic! I haven't seen anyone let go of their Solid Snake figure. You can probably mold a one inch figure by yourself if you have the right materials.
Does anybody know where I can get that Solid Snake that come with the 3A Metal Gear Rex? I got a brand new 3A MG Rex for $315 shipped (crazy deal) but it is the retail version. I was wondering if anyone can make a custom figure to fit into the cockpit or if its possible to even find the other tiny figures that came with the 1/100 MG Rex? Thanks!
Well... Can't say I'm surprised. Just a little annoyed that its basically the same one we got for Peace Walker Sneaking Suit except with no bandana. We'd probably get additional GZ gadgets like the NVG but not much else will be different.
I'd much rather they do a "Punished Snake" and throw in a spare GZ head to place on the existing Peace Walker. But than again... Why sell one figure when you can sell two I suppose. Sigh.
Does anybody know where I can get that Solid Snake that come with the 3A Metal Gear Rex? I got a brand new 3A MG Rex for $315 shipped (crazy deal) but it is the retail version. I was wondering if anyone can make a custom figure to fit into the cockpit or if its possible to even find the other tiny figures that came with the 1/100 MG Rex? Thanks!
The Square Enix Online Store (US) has him too.
Does anybody know where I can get that Solid Snake that come with the 3A Metal Gear Rex? I got a brand new 3A MG Rex for $315 shipped (crazy deal) but it is the retail version. I was wondering if anyone can make a custom figure to fit into the cockpit or if its possible to even find the other tiny figures that came with the 1/100 MG Rex? Thanks!
PlayArts Big Boss