There was a rumor Konami went after Inflames when they did Metal Boss back in 2012. FYI
There was a rumor Konami went after Inflames when they did Metal Boss back in 2012. FYI
Yup limited release and Inflames disappeared for a few years since.They still came out.
I believe it was combined effort. HT did get the license around the same time (2013?)Pretty sure, more accurately that was Hot Toys.
No they haven't. They've steadily made figures.
I believe they made a Gungrave and monkey God figure.Seems like you know their release history..
What's their release after Metal Boss and what year?
Seems like you know their release history..
What's their release after Metal Boss and what year?
Bro you worries too much.If they want to do it they would have done it when the promo pics was out.
Not necessarily. Their lawyers may have just not become aware to it yet.
Either way, I sincerely hope it does not happen as I am excited for earlier versions of Snake as opposed to this imposter.
(Looks superb by the way)
Seems like you know their release history..
What's their release after Metal Boss and what year?
Not an Inflames expert just adding the truth. If you don't want to talk about it then don't post things you have no idea about.
Inflames has steadily release figures since then including another version of Big Boss. Most of their stuff is aimed at the Asian market with a version of the Monkey King seemingly every couple months. They did preview a figure of Guts that actually was shut down buy copyright issues so maybe you're just confused.
Random pick mass preduced leather jacket
I forgot about their journey to the west series since the version they did was not my style of interest. Wasn't there few years gap between their last MGS and the first monkey king figure?
I was super excited when they announced Berserk Guts, but I thought they backed out because of other companies released their figures first and Inflames saw the market cooled down. They didn't seem to announce anything about it. so, Now that's my guess.
But then again, are you sure about the copyright issues? Did they said something about it? If you're not sure, you are the one talking about things you don't have truth to back up....
Pretty sure. I read something on Reddit from someone working there that said they attempted to aquire the license but the added cost made it an extremely expensive figure because of the size and detail and by attempting to get the license they essentially told on themselves shutting down the none license figure at least for now. I'm sure we will see it at some point.