I honestly think thing the same undersuit from the MGS1 version would do, as long as the latch is in the back since his chest is exposed between the gear webbing.
I honestly think thing the same undersuit from the MGS1 version would do, as long as the latch is in the back since his chest is exposed between the gear webbing.
Well these are good points, some people don't care about height issues and would want heads made anyway.
I would love a Vulcan Raven but the height issue would bother me, but if we got the rest made I'd probably want one if the interest was there.
It's hard because you need numbers for things to go ahead. Some people won't buy without clothing and some people don't care, then the ones that want clothing - whats being offered doesn't match what they want personally want for whatever reason. So many variables, but at the end of the day numbers are what drive things being made and not everyone is going to agree or like everything.
Height would bother me a lot too. But in the end, I'd rather stick with core characters that don't require too much of a pain in the ass to make.
Mantis is taller than the Snakes, but I think it's able to be ignored.
I would too. But I think Raven, on top of being bigger than any 1/6 body out there would also be without a Vulcan Cannon too... a regular minigun is puny comparison.
If there ever was a body that would be big enough, then you'd get the minigun and drum made along with the head
What about that hulk HT knockoff? is that too big?
But if you did render out the gun, would the barrels be separate or all put right next to each other?
Maybe a Predator body would work, but it would need to be massively overhauled...
Just saw your post Frank. I am hyped for all of these. You can sign me up for any MGS2 figures you make right now.
If MGS2 Snake is starting in January I'll have to figure something out as I will be deployed starting that month and won't have Internet access but I'll make it work because missing that isnt really an option for me.
You can hit me up before you leave if you want man, i will probably have more info by then anyways