I finished MGS4 about two weeks ago...yes it took me a while. This was my first playthrough and I think I'll take a breather and come back after I finish GTAIV...which I had put aside for MGS4.
I'm glad to see that MGS4 wrapped it all up.
First off, Solid Snake was the bad @$$ he is always meant to be. Taking gunshots, broken limbs, and burns and the guy is STILL going at it. The "Old Snake" stuff and Snake's advanced degeneration didn't really play as big of a role as I thought it did. You really could've eliminated it and all the slight references in the game to Snake's rapid aging and it wouldn't have any effect on the rest of the story. Ahh well...thats what the young Snake face camo is for right? I think the old age was mostly to depict Solid Snake as the tired, old warrior in a more physical sense than anything else. I don't got problems with it as I used to, but I'd still like to hope that Solid Snake would get his youth back...so many of our action heroes in so many mediums are OLD now...Ford as Indiana Jones, Stallone as Rambo and Rocky...geez.
Raiden is now cool...but not cool enough to be the main character in a MAIN MGS title. He can have his own spin-off. Glad to see Rosemary and Raiden's son all have a happy ending.
I was also happy to see some of the returning cast from Metal Gear Solid like Mei-Ling and Meryl. Meryl was obviously the best coming back and she was no longer the nervous soldier she was in MGS. Her connection with Akiba is a little wonky and corny at times though...especially their shoot-out on Outer Haven. Even EVA's appearance and reveal as Snake's surrogate mother was great to see and hear about.
Also I was glad to see that the Patriots were finally revealed. Major Zero, Big Boss, EVA, Ocelot, Paramedic, Sigint, etc. However, it was slightly disappointing to see that the "modern" Patriots was nothing more than an AI Supercomputer that controlled the world's economy, etc. through war and others. I was hoping that there was a human mastermind (that wasn't confined to a wheelchair) behind it all...perhaps even Big Boss. Though after Big Boss's portrayal in MGS3 and MGS: Portable Ops it's obvious he is now being placed in a sympathetic light as a tragic hero carrying out the wishes of his mentor whose love for her country was brushed aside. So overall there was a great underlying story to it all and the Patriots themselves.
Liquid Ocelot was a great villain, but I have to admit that I miss the actual Liquid Snake though. The touch about Ocelot literally "thinking himself" into being Liquid was interesting and more realistic than being possessed by the will of the arm...though it makes much more sense considering that Ocelot is the son of spirit medium, the Sorrow. However, in the grand scheme of it all...the story behind it to achieve the destruction of the Patriots made it for a classic ending. Definitely one of the best stories ever.
I'm glad to see Snake lives on!!!!!!