Looks great. Will PO this. Personally, I would prefer a Glenn Strange version. Hopefully, Mezco can someday make it happen.
POd, but I have one dumb question.
That's the B/W version right? It's not the regular version just with B/W filters right? I POd this one just in case it's the regular version with B/W but if it is the actual B/W I'll drop the PO in favor of the regular one.
Looks fantastic, but I don't know that I want to get sucked into another toy line!
The B/W version is the one that is currently up for preorder. The color (green) version was shown at ToyFair (see pic above), but hasn't been put up for preorder yet. If you want the color version, you'll have to wait.
I think the whole characterization, make-up, costume, everything, looked way better on Karloff.There's no denying the importance of Karloff as he is rightfully so an icon in horror. I just think personally Strange looked more imposing as the monster and thus favor his look. Either way its good to see a quality looking figure such as this coming out.
Thanks, yeah I know there's a color version, I just wasn't 100% sure this wasn't it, since Mezco goes crazy editing their PO pics.
I think the whole characterization, make-up, costume, everything, looked way better on Karloff.
It's Mezco..nuf said. Quality will be poor as always.
It's Mezco..nuf said. Quality will be poor as always.
This makes zero sense.