Ummm...I don't think anyone said they were not doing anymore Trek figs. Just that it is disconcerting that there wasn't more shown. Of course there will be more figs shown at SDCC...that's a given. Everyone just hopes that there are more Trek figs in the wings.
I never said Mezco has any "obligation" to tell me sh|_|t. I just said that since they weren't really giving any information, it was a waste of
my time asking questions or reading their company line responses to other people's questions...still a free country (I think) you are welcome to wait with baited breath for any and all their tweets if you wish. Just not my cup of tea anymore. And just for the record, anyone who has been collecting for more than a few years should know these companies are not going to give you a rundown of their planned release schedule. I certainly do and those are exactly the types of questions I Dont Ask.
You are missing the point. IF a company is going to open up social media contact with the fans, why not have some real info to divulge

If they are going to just follow the Matty Collector style of fan interaction, they'll soon learn, as Mattel did, that it will garner them more animosity than praise.
Take for instance Asmus. They don't tell the fans, "Hey! We are about to release this figure or that figure." But they do give pertinent info to the fans that converse with them like sneak peeks of figures they have announced and even some reasoning behind some of the challenges they face producing certain figures and even why production on a figure may not have exactly met their own standards, let alone the fan's.