Spenser - Can you put the head on a full figure, preferably with clothes similar to something Alfred wore in the movies, just to get a feel for what it'd look like?
This head rocks my world!
BTW, anyone got ideas for how they are clothing him? I can't decide what way to go...suggestions welcome....
Great work Steven!
This head rocks my world!
BTW, anyone got ideas for how they are clothing him? I can't decide what way to go...suggestions welcome....
Great work Steven!
Damn! DrJediSith, that is the perfect look!!! Now, where to get that coat, (I do not have that one, anyone??? Let's snag some long coats!) and what was he wearing underneath? THAT is the Alfred I am after! Great call!
This is gonna be a great one!
looks like a nice button up sweater . im emailing it to you in its large marge form so you can see the details les i actually didnt think this size was too bad