So, is this turning into a Gossip Forum now?
Seriously... WTF??...
Seriously... WTF??...
Well in recent times she is turning into a real mediahound. She gave an interview before Jackson's death claiming that he wasn't the biological father, that his sperm was never used, she also eluded to the fact that they never consumated the marriage. After his death she stated that she wouldn't go after custody rights but then that statement was taken back in another interview. Now it appears that the news outlets are reporting that her eggs were never used because they weren't viable so she has absolutely no claim to the children even though she was compensated as if she did.
So, is this turning into a Gossip Forum now?
Seriously... WTF??...
IMO, those kids look way too white to be his. . .unless his skin condition was real, and affects kids right after birth. He claimed in one interview that the mother of one child was black, but that just isn't possible if he is, in fact, the father.
wow, now it's gone from how micheal died to who those kids really to whom they came from. Wonder who gonna foot his bill (debt)?
I understand not wanting the jokes and distaste in certain statements but there are things going on with his estate that are noteworthy and worth discussing.
dude you seem more affected in this than people who actually knew MJ personally. obsessed much?
I think you're the one with the problem...OBSESSED MUCH?
Really?... OK... I guess since I've never been really interested in his personal life I find it odd... but that's just me!!
I just enjoy the positive message he left, along with his amazing talent @ dance and music...
MJ made himself what he was, both positive and negative. People will speculate and talk about all aspects of his life. It should be expected. It's not like he became a saint once he died.
Gossip and celebrity-dom go hand in hand.
That guy acted so weird people are bound speculate.
Do really think Harrison Ford couldve gotten away with inviting kids to have"sleep overs"?
Get over yourself Kuzeh.
Do not speak ill of Indiana Jones.![]()
Indiana Jones and the tale of Jesus juice.![]()