THANK YOU so much everyone.
Yesterday I lost my grandmother. after months of time by her side, caring for her.
This morning I reluctantly had to do the right thing for my dog and put down my best friend and loyal companion.
Two losses in such a short amount of time makes you really appreciate what is important.
I love this hobby and I've found the most support and love has come from the community.
I'm proud to be a member of this forum and surrounded by such class act individuals as yourselves.
This is my grail figure. It will now and forever be that much more special to me.
It has brought me faith and direction in a time of curiosity and confusion.
It is just a figure to most. But to me, it is so much more.
Artwork that speaks to you has a specific affect on people.
Love where I am, what I'm doing, and this community.
Happy collecting everyone. much love.
some detail snaps after receiving this true work of art.