Chris can field this better than I can because he's the Wizard, which is why I didn't answer. I'm just Dorothy, but I have SPOKEN to the Wizard. He says he wants those shoes back.

I can tell you what I know (and Chris can always be free to correct me wherever I'm wrong). Many Bothans died to bring us this information.
Chris is not only working oldest to newest commissions, but also finishing the ones that have been paid off entirely already up front because those naturally get priority over others that haven't been paid yet for him to start.
I know now that Chris has finally been able to tackle the commissions he was kept away from because of his unexpected dayjob committments, he's been absolutely slaving away in his dungeons cackling and creating.
The Doctor Who commissions of the Fourth Doctor and Sarah Jane are VERY close to being finished, I mean, "can be revealed any time" almost done, as is Ray from Ghostbusters. K-9's head is finished, but the full piece will not be done in time for the 4th Doc/Sarah debut. I know that Chris continues to work his way through his sweet Summer Glau variations at the same time, and have seen pics posted of progress on the Gladiator armor, (but don't follow that thread so in depth as to know where it stands).
I know Milla is coming up next after that because he has "blank" heads already created for her so he will be able to start when he is ready, AND since that time the Milla thread has really taken off adding two more heads into the mix, and growing so large the price for Bald Milla and RE1 milla dropped to $25 a head because they reached the magic number of 15 people (so keep adding your names guys, you make these lists and price drops happen)!
Both the RE2 and RE3 list are just a few people away from reaching 15 people to get them to drop to down to $25 bucks a head as well, so again, make sure to add your names people and we can get them cheaper!
On a side note Saya has asked Blind Voyeur to make RE2 costumes, and that has now snowballed into him making RE 1,2,AND 3 costumes, so if you want costumes, make sure you find her thread (posted a few posts above).
Also, mentioned pages earlier. Chris is fine with making ALICES funky knives for part 3, so it's gonna be a FINE lookin custom!
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