Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol

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Yep. And those things really do exist too.

I use one for my garage:yess:

and what exactly is up with the wife? at first I didn't know if it would actually be her or just someone reminding him of her and what he had. Anyway, so he's just staying away for her safety:dunno
MI:4 8/10

Really really enjoyed it but not as good as 3 and about on par with 1 for me.

Whilst Ethan was on top form in 4 the plot didn't thrill me :(

What made 3 so good was Hoffman along with the mysterious rabbits foot.

I found the Hendricks character a bit lame unfortunately. I just found the Russian nuclear launch codes thing also a bit lame but that is me I guess.

Sounds like I didn't enjoy it but I really did, it is a fun watch and the whole Dubai scene was just gripping!
MI:4 was great. The main bad guy was lacking though, but honestly we didn't get to see much of him to build his character. The movie was primarily about Ethan and his team....with the bad guy as a nuclear weapon. There were lots of amazing action scenes and many tense moments.

I'm gonna go back and rematch the old MIs now.
I was entertained by this film. Pegg and Renner were great. I enjoyed the eye candy. That dress she was wearing in India...[obnoxious whistle]
Seen this movie twice in imax and it blew me away!! I really want Ethans clear oakley googles but those are customs!! So sad lol. Oakley should have released a mission impossible ltd edition.
Finally went out today and saw this and I loved it. The movie was fast-paced, strong acting and great action. Jeremy Renner was an excellent addition and I thoroughly enjoyed Paula Patton.

Unfortunately, the bad-guy was quite poor compared to the last three villains but overall great flick!

9/10 :D
i saw the movie and i don't really have any feelings about it, good or bad. i'm just kinda "meh" about it. i didn't really care about any of the characters and i thought there was a little too much comedy for a spy movie. i prefer the more serious tone of the first movie. also, ethan hunt takes so many hits and keeps going where it just became a cartoon. i guess that's why i didn't care about the characters. they seem indestructible...hunt anyway.
Just got back from seeing it. Really liked it for what it was. Popcorn movie with a semi-coherent plot. I liked the 3rd more, but this was quite good. Also
I was glad Julia wasn't dead LoL
Saw this in Ca, and while I enjoyed it, the movie did not blow me away. Fun popcorn film. Still feel part 3 is the best of the series due to its more personal story
I really want to see this, but i gotta wait for the dvd RIP to come out so i can download it illegally and get a good copy. Cam is no good for me. (glad to hear it's good!)


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