10 things were given out so far. I didn't see it on their site but I am hoping they do what they did last year and post photos of everything they give away. It is cool to see what people are getting.
Something Sexy, I agree. Pictures like last year would be neat.
I also liked when they did brief snippits of everyone's wishes that were granted.
I ended up sending in two wishes this year--one for my cousin who was in a very bad car accident recently, and another for my girlfriend. Planning to pop the question this Christmas and need a big item under the tree as a decoy / hiding place for the one true ring...I don't have much money after the big purchase.
She is a big fan of the X-Men so I asked for either a Sabretooth or Cyclops PF.
I was lucky enough to receive a Hot Toys Captain America Avengers figure last year so THIS year I sat it out. Good luck to all! Can't wait to see whatcha got! It's a great feeling to win something!
Wished for the same thing i did last year, and probably will again next year. Congrats to everyone who was much less naughty than I, i do try, honest......
Tarkin pf, i'm working on joining the 501st as an imperial officer, have everything now (had to have the boots custom made which cost me dearly) just need approval. Unfortunately, we've had some family issues to deal with and i haven't had the chance to submit them yet.