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Re: MK "Colored" Ninjas - Pre-Order

This could work. The GREAT thing is that I wouldn't have to do the quilting! haha. Wristguards, Vest, and hood isn't too bad at all. I do not own a Storm Shadow, so I would just make my own pants and shirt as well.

The Hat... There has to be a way to make one that looks good. I may make a trip to home depot/Hobby Lobby to see what I can find...

OK, here is the idea I've been thinking of for Raiden. Pics stolen and then poorly photoshopped from CTR.


Basically I think Twik can sew us up a green vest-thingy, black hood and wrist guards. The wrist guards from Storm Shadow might be able to be dyed black though. The rest could be used from Sideshow's Storm Shadow. Just need to find a conical hat for him, which I have seen before. but of course can't find right now :lol
Re: MK "Colored" Ninjas - Pre-Order

Twik, I would recomend tracking down a Storm Shadow. He even has the right feet for Raiden and that unmasked head looks fantastic IMO. Plus you could either sell off the extra pieces or use them for something else.

I know that there IS a 1:6 Asian Conical Hat out there but I just can't find it now that I need one :lol
Re: MK "Colored" Ninjas - Pre-Order

Quick update:
We had some changes to the list. I am still waiting to hear from seniram6, and Endo had to back out do to financial reasons. BUT, I am going to start making these figures this week. Unless someone else jumps in and wants on, my plan is to make 4 Yellow, and 4 Blue Ninjas. I will post WIP photos of everything.
I have purchased/ordered everything I need to make them, so now it is all one me!

I am hoping that I will be done with all 8 by the end of April, but no guarantees on the blue ninjas... that is just my personal goal. I went ahead and ordered some green fabric online, so we will see how that turns out when I get it. I honestly never thought it would be THAT hard to find a good green. AND, I refuse to make them if they are not right... I'll keep you guys posted on the green as well.

Also, I should have some pics up tomorrow or Tues of the new tunic shape (with it more straight out, instead of angled down). I also think I found a good way to make the belt more representative of the game look (with more ruffles/horizontal lines, and not as flat).

The one other change I have made is to the undershirt. I have shortened it, and I have modified the neck line on the front and back to better fit the body. The crossover now crosses more down his chest, just like in the game.

Wow, that was a long and not so quick update! haha.

Re: MK "Colored" Ninjas - Pre-Order

Sounds great! Can't wait to see the updates. Hopefully I'll be able to make up my mind on all of the options then :lol
Re: MK "Colored" Ninjas - Pre-Order

Meanstreak - Maybe in mid-May, when I get some time. Right now my energy is focused on trying to make these 6-8 sets for everyone.

The bandages seem like you could use a sports wrap, cut in smaller strips? Or pick up some 1/8" Baby Elastic Link? Pants would be tough though, not sure how I would do those blue rectangles running down the side. The Tat on the chest would be easy though! I have a great Idea on that one...

Can find a good image of the boots...
Re: MK "Colored" Ninjas - Pre-Order

First, I made a new tunic (without the quilting... since this was testing a few things). Here you can see I fixed the angle a bit.

Here you can see why it can't be any more "straight." It leaves a very ugly and undesirable gap. Note, his right shoulder is angled more than it should be because I am pulling the tunic over to his left side.

I also found a better way to finish the Tunic so that all the cloth is "tucked" inside itself. No more seams on the underside at the top! Also note, the undershirt rides up a bit on the neck... I am REALLY happy with this! Before, I had too much of a "cut" and it dipped too low. If that makes sense.

Again, the improved angle. Also note, I have the tops of the tunic angle out over the shoulders a bit more, just like in the game. It makes it harder to make, but looks better. What can I say, I strive for perfection! haha.

Improved undershirt! I think it looks way better, and I am totally happy with this! The crossover is a bit lower and is more angled down towards the hip. Although I don't have it, I found a PERFECT elastic material for the black belt. This is the old narrow one. The new one is thicker, and should look better.

My colored belt didn't turn out the way I hoped... I may keep exploring this. If I can figure out a way to do it so that it has "ruffles" I'll let you guys know!

Tomorrow night I plan on making as many wristguards as I can. It takes about 1 hour per wristguard set. I am hoping I can make all 8 sets in about 5/6 hours... we'll see. Obviously these will vary a bit, so I am going to do my best to match up pairs as best as possible. I actually have a different template for each side.
Re: MK "Colored" Ninjas - Pre-Order

Update: I have started making the wristguards! My girlfriend helped out... so I now owe her a nice dinner. I decided to make 10 sets. There is a little variation between them, so this will allow me the ability to match them up better. Sorry for the blurry photo... poor lighting and an iphone do not mix!
Re: MK "Colored" Ninjas - Pre-Order

Any girl that is willing to help her man make clothes for his buddies' dollies is a keeper :rock
Re: MK "Colored" Ninjas - Pre-Order (Last Call)

To anyone that is out there on the fence. This is a last call. After Sat, I will only be making sets for people who have made a deposit, or have contacted me and we come to an accord on something regarding payment.

On another note, I am out of options on the Green. I have one more place I can check, but it doesn't look good. It is amazing how hard it is to find a green that is the correct hue, and the same saturation amount that fits into the yellow/blue family. I have sound some Greens that are "close" just not the "one." So what do you guys think? Proceed with a green that is a little off (either a little darker, or a little more lime-greenish)? I can buy some small samples of all the green options that are close, but with how monitors are always off a bit... it will be hard to illustrate the difference. Any ideas?
Re: MK "Colored" Ninjas - Pre-Order (Last Call)

Perhaps after some of us have Scorp and Sub in hand we might be able to check our local fabric stores and see if we can find anything similar to the material? :dunno

As much as these cost and as much time as it takes you to make them, I think we can all agree on doing it right or not at all.
Re: MK "Colored" Ninjas - Pre-Order (Last Call)

BM - yeah, I agree 100%. Right or not at all. I just wanted to throw it out there as an option. I honestly never thought it would be this hard to find! Having you guys check around once you get the yellow and blue wouldn't be bad either...

I guess another option is I could try dyeing white material, and see how that turns out?! I have already bought some white material when I was out buying more blue and yellow anyways... Raiden will be coming up when I get a chance.
Re: MK "Colored" Ninjas - Pre-Order (Last Call)

Really, I have been searching for a material that is close in hue to his MK9 klassic look.

Maybe I should target another MK. Perhaps his MK2 look?

One more thought... I did find a good green in a different material. It will be harder to work with (on my end) and will have a slightly different weight to it (it is about 25% thicker)... but it may work.
Re: MK "Colored" Ninjas - Pre-Order (Last Call)

The MK 2 looks are what I've been wanting from the begining :lol So that would be cool with me.

I'm telling ya, get a Sideshow Storm Shadow. Then all you need for Raiden really would be the green vest and a hat. I'm pretty sure his wrist guards can be dyed black.
Re: MK "Colored" Ninjas - Pre-Order (Last Call)

Yeah... I SHOULD do that... but, honestly I am enjoying the fact that these are as hand made by me as possible, plus... it is practice, and in the future I will need a long sleeved shirt template! My end goal is that within time I will have sculpting, casting, painting, and sewing all mastered.

Here is something I have been playing with... it is rough, but I am learning!