My ultimate grail completion!!!
Met both of these guys yesterday at the Rhode Island Comic Con and came away with this.

In terms of meeting the two of them...Ron was.....well, non-interactive (he did shake my hand). The little girl in me was kinda crushed because he'll always be 'Vincent' to me. He was also surprisingly small and sort of started getting the old man 'hunched' look.

Michael Rooker came running in and was screwing around with him, hugging everybody and his face lit up for about a half second and then it was back to just sitting there.
Doug Jones, however, absolutely MADE this con experience for me. Made it. He was warm, FUNNY (even though he was dead tired), and carried on a full conversation with me. I had mentioned that I saw him in the make up chair at Spectral Motion a couple weeks back in their Facebook updates, and we talked in length about the upcoming 'dream role' he has had to play a nosferatu. He's gonna kill it! And, while pretty much EVERY single celeb was charging separately to snap a pic, he insisted on coming out from behind his table and gave me the biggest, longest hug you can imagine. I was kinda floored. He's everything you'd wished a celeb encounter would be like and enormously grateful for his fan base.
Selma Blair was there in her first con experience ever (apparently), making the Hellboy trifecta, but I gotta say......there was NOBODY at her table. (no joke). She was basically sitting there, humoring a pimply faced teenager who was a con volunteer. I was a bit embarassed for her.