Might as well make the first hand pic a rendering so that consistency is kept...
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You sir have been head hunted by molecule 8. $35,000 a year. All you have to do is renders of everything and for some weird reason people will keep paying you!
You lucky dog.
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We have heard back from our factory and apparently they require funds first in order to produce the figures. This we were unaware of. So please be patient a while longer while we collect the funds needed to start production. We can't wait for you to see the actual John Lennon figure, pics are coming soon.
Sincerely, The Molecule8 team.
I've posted a few negative posts recently on their FB page that have not yet been deleted. It seems they have given up on that front by replying to anyone.
I heard the new release date is when John rises from the dead and sings selected songs from
"Double Fantasy."
Scary right?
No, that Guy's paycheck was returned for "Lack of Sufficient Funds" Guess he quit.