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Very cool poster. I do like the 2001 vibe. It actually looks like it could have been a poster from the 60s.

From the trailer it seems that computer will give Hal a run for his money. Love the smiley face emoticon too.
...Wow. I saw the early set photos of this movie and already thought those were great, but this? Absolutely stunningly beautiful, not to mention fascinating. I will keep a very close eye on this one, oh yes. :)
Buddy of mine saw it last week and he said it's really good. If you like Solaris or 2001: ASO, you should love it.
yeah the poster design is fantastic. reminds of the classic saul bass work for the hitchcock movies like vertigo.

moon is giving me a "silent running" vibe. loved that movie and the 3 robots huey dewey n louie.
Just saw it and was pretty impressed. I thought it might be kind of boring as essentially a one man story - but Rockwell did a great job of keeping us interested.

It's not a big budget sci-fi epic as we've come to expect - but a little film that does what good sci-fi is supposed to do - make us question the moral dilemmas that ever and ever advancing technology will force upon us.

I definitely recommend the film - and even for being low budget - it looks great.
No realease in Jersey or Philly? wow. I wanted to see this, but I'm not driving 3 hours one way to NY to.