An observation I've made over going to a few toy/collectible shows over the years is the small/medium sellers are often the ones with the cool little odd and ends and rare stuff from their own personal collections to sell. The big dealers, the known heavy hitters, usually only have the new stuff and the prices are all about the same. A nice mix of both makes for a good shopping experience at a good toy show.
This is where I think Ebay is really being short sighted. If you drive off sellers, you are also driving off the ones who are listing items that are purely secondary market only items at a given time and place. If you want to find something that's been long sold out, what do other people tell you? "Check Ebay"
When you wipe out all the small to medium sellers, you are stuck with the mega sellers, who are probably moving the same stuff you can get elsewhere at about the same price because lots of them aren't dealing in purely secondary market items.
Looks like Ebay has set itself up for a good short term push ( people dumping out before all the changes take effect ) for this quarter but have probably hurt themselves over the long haul.
Looks like the changes hit the 16th of next month.