Did any of you read some of the stupid ass comments people left about this clip?
I like this, but I agree the sword should be bigger. And maybe the chain on the mace be a little shorter?
The body positioning makes sense considering the mace is behind him and he needs some leverage to lift it, so I don't have a problem with that. The excl. on the other hand looks awful....what were SS thinking.Reg. edition for me thanks.
No, I was concentrating on the scene itself. Seeing as I am now 1 hour into a 36 hour shift I'll have to wait until Thurs. morning to look at them. I can't access YouTube at work.
I think so too. I'm going to make that suggestion to Sideshow. They did listen to collectors concerning Galadriel's hair so who knows. If enough people contact them maybe they'll adjust the sword as well.
As someone who has a 1/1 scale full Ringwraith setup (with WK Helm and sword/dagger as well), I think I might be able to chime in...
1) First off, PF has giraffe neck going on. Look at where his shoulder would be, and then look at his head posture, he is either reptilian or has a double jointed neck. Not movie or prop accurate.
2) Sword is too small on PF, he is supposed to be able to fully wrap BOTH hands around the hilt of the sword. Its a longsword (for a wraith too), not a "regular" length sword. See the attached pictures for some REAL size references. I'm roughly 7-2 in the wraith picture, (see the size of the wraith sword in the picture), then see the WK sword in relation to the wraith blade in the other photo. Now look at the PF...
3) Strain in lifting is caused from tension/weight, not a slack chain as shown in the PF. He's also not showing proper "Flail Handling" (its not a mace, its a flail!) technique, you keep the "head" of your handle down in correlation with the chain, then move in a Swinging motion. The PFs pose would only result in a jerking tug and be MURDER on your wrist.
4) The cloaks look only "OK". Cloth at this scale can only do so much, but he needs a layer or 2 more and the back of the head/neck looks all off/wrong. But this might be fixed/adjustable somewhat.
Yes, I see the full weight of the Morning Star is on the ground with some slack in the chain, so I can see why he'd need leveraging if he were a weakling. However, in the film he lifts and swings the mace as if it were a rag doll and not something than weighed a metric ton, so we're led to assume that he must possess some supernatural strength in order to lift it.
Ummmmm......you were saying. You might want to pay careful attention from about the 1:20 to 1:30 mark.
Except the mace is lying flat on the ground, even with some slack chain, so he's not even anywhere near starting to life it up. Besides, he's the witchking, he was flinging that thing around like it was made of paper. As such, the body really tends to look like he's dislocated a few joints in those photo's.
The cloth work and the actual sculpting does look nicely done tho.
damn a 36 hour work shift. are you a doctor or something.
Everything is better than the horrible flame sword that doesnt appear on the movie (I hope if we have a Gimli PF they dont put a bow on his hands with the exclusive version).
I have done an example of a "maybe" exclusive version, breaking the darkness of the figure and showing who has killed the rohir king:
Yeah, except it does appear in the movie. It didn't occur in the scene this PF is based on, but it really did happen....honest.![]()
You and BF must have a different DVD version than I do....![]()
Everything is better than the horrible flame sword that doesnt appear on the movie
You and BF must have a different DVD version than I do....![]()
You mean this one:(can anyone do a screen cap?). Arms extended, sword in right hand, morning star in the other.