how do switch costumes on the player menu, after you purchased and unlocked it in nekropolis, i'm having trouble (360)
Since PSn is down, I've been doing the story mode...Shao Kahn is such a _____ when I have to use a character I don't usually my ass handed to me several times before resorting to ultimate fireball cheese...
[/QUOTE]So how do you use these codes
Figured i would post these for everyone. This is every costume and fatality location in the krypt. if its an alt ill put characters name and alt, if its the fatality ill just put f.
hi=hollow of infestation
md=meadow of despair
dl5-jade f
dl7-reptile alt
dl15-cage alt
dl21-ermac f
dl28-sheeva alt
dl37-kabal f
dl40-baraka alt
dl47-sektor alt
dl56-stryker alt
dl63-quan alt
dl69-kitana alt
dl79-cage f
dl88-kabal alt
dl92-jax f
dl101-shang alt
dl110-nightwolf alt
dl119-scorpion alt
dl120-cyrax f
hi4-baraka f
hi8-liu alt
hi12-shang f
hi18-kano f
hi22-sonya alt
hi28-liu f
hi33-mileena alt
hi39-quan f
md2-nightwolf alt
md6-cyrax alt
md11-sektor f
md14-raiden alt
md21-sheeva f
md25-kano alt
md31-kung f
md36-jax alt
md42-reptile f
md51-sub f
md54-sub alt
bm2-mileena f
bm5-noob alt
bm8-noob f
bm14-raiden f
bm19-sinel alt
bm23-kitana f
bm26-smoke f
bm35-sonya f
bm38-kung alt
bm44-sindel f
bm50-jade alt
bm57-stryker f
bm63-cyber sub f
bm68-ermac alt
bm72-scorpion f
bm83-smoke alt
let me know if i messed up anything and ill get it fixed. one full playthrough the story is plenty enough to buy all of these.
i was schooling peeps on online Mortal Kombat with Mileena. Im a cheap ______. i got some disgruntle fanboys sendin me hate mail... all of a sudden i got that error message. thought it was just me.
anyone else irked by Geohot and this GROUP thats alledgedly boycotting SONY. its screwing over the people that actually want to play online and dont care about all this fame glory.
it just irks me that these self-proclaimed HACKERS are "sticking it to SONY" when its others that are suffering for it.
these NERDS need to get laid.
[/QUOTE]md2-nightwolf alt
let me know if i messed up anything and ill get it fixed. one full playthrough the story is plenty enough to buy all of these.
I agree about the bang for your buck sentiments. I've been playing this game pretty hardcore since tuesday and I'm loving all the things there is to do. Story mode is actually really fun and I'm often on the edge of my seat during some of the battles because they can get pretty intense.
Xbox Live > PSN
I will NEVER get a multiplayer game again for PS3.
I might even trade in my PS3...
You get what you pay for. Xbox Live IS better than PSN. But your mileage out of the system may vary : )
It just saddens me that Sony doesn't have any sort of reliable defense against crap like this. If I actually had a paid subscription to PSN + I would be disgusted with what has transpired over the last month.
Good thing that not only do I not have a subscription, but my PS3 died last week.