Medusas Gaze
Freaked Out
Cool, i'll check it out. No love for scorpion or sub zero at all but I'd still buy them. I would love to grab a Kabal, Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Cage, hell.... all of em! Someone hurry up and make these cash cows!
Pics of my Jazwares Scorpion and Sub-Zero. Didn't take any of Raiden since I'm probably gonna be sending him back because of a paint scuff on his face.
Note: Scorpion does not come with a chain to attach his kunai (spear) with. I just used one of those twisty ties that come with other figures.
It's ridiculous not to have Mileena included with Kitana and Jade. In fact, Jade wasn't even part of MK II where those costumes came from. Should have left Jade out and Mileena in or added Mileena to make it three. So what if Mileena already has 3 alternates?
Makes no sense!
It's ridiculous not to have Mileena included with Kitana and Jade. In fact, Jade wasn't even part of MK II where those costumes came from. Should have left Jade out and Mileena in or added Mileena to make it three. So what if Mileena already has 3 alternates?
Makes no sense!
You really need to go check your facts because you are totally wrong. Jade's first appearence was MKII.
I really wish we had either gotten the male ninja outfits from MKII or new character skins. Raiden anyone? Quan Chi? Someone other than the colorized ninjas?
You really need to go check your facts because you are totally wrong. Jade's first appearence was MK II.
Okay, what I meant was, playable character on the roster. All I'm saying is, it's stupid to include Jade and not Mileena. I don't think it would have killed them to do three characters instead of two.
She already has FOUR costumes though. I don't really think she needed a 5th before everyone else got a 3rd.
I would love if they'd do an Extra Kratos skin. His fear skin is still my favorite in the game, but i'd like to get God version or even Spartan General.