Most Anticipated Sequel of All Time??

Collector Freaks Forum

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Mike, I'd be willing to take one for the Freaks team, throw Ugly Betty way.

Gossip Girl is actually a pretty decent show - OC on the East Coast, although not quite as clever. And America Ferrara, when she isn't Bettified, is pretty cute.

Two willing to take on Ugly Betty. Well then its set. Just waiting on the girls to arrive and then we'll begin. :lol
You lucky bastard:emperor I just foound out The Mummy 3 premiers on my birthday too. Not great but it's better then the sisterhood.

Eh......looking at the crapfest that one is turning out to be my money is on the sisterhood....:lol
OK, so it turns out that this is the most anticipated sequel of all time:

I really think you mean it. At first I was like, he's being silly, but 4 months later you're still on it, till opening that means you have been watching and anticipating the open night date... you sir are a sad sad man Tom. hehe
I really think you mean it. At first I was like, he's being silly, but 4 months later you're still on it, till opening that means you have been watching and anticipating the open night date... you sir are a sad sad man Tom. hehe

Actually, I was on looking at show times and saw that Sisterhood 2 had a midnight showing. I thought that was one of the worst ideas ever and it reminded of the thread, so I came and posted it.

But I won't argue with the fact that I am a sad, sad man.
You know what the good thing is about High School Musical 3?

They're graduating, which means there can't be another least not one starring that awful cast...

Which is very good news, and if Disney try to release College Musical, people will see it as a bad spin-off, and this awful franchise will be exterminated...
You know what the good thing is about High School Musical 3?

They're graduating, which means there can't be another least not one starring that awful cast...

Which is very good news, and if Disney try to release College Musical, people will see it as a bad spin-off, and this awful franchise will be exterminated...

Well....good news and bad news. Good news is most of the cast of HSM3 has been pretty open in saying that they are happy with the fact they are graduating and they will be moving on from this franchise. Bad news, Disney is gearing up for a High School Musical 4 starring a whole new cast of kids.

okay, i'll take her. :naughty

Okay. So 3 guys taking on Ugly Betty.

So...the tally goes:


For me...

and 3 of you will show her a good time...

Excellent....I'll make some calls...