Super Freak
If anyone should be trapped in the Phantom Zone for eternity, its perhaps this person; one of the most annoying men on the planet, and I use the word "man" advisedly - because he portrays a mentally-challenged two-year-old trapped in an adult body with frightening ease.
Not unlike Tom Cruise, Will Smith, Bruce Willis, Arnold Schwarzeneggar and Brad Pitt, Sandler portrays the exact same character in every film he is in. In fact, I am fine with consigning ALL of these persons to an unspecified amount of somatic cycles in the Phantom Zone, with the exception of Schwarzeneggar. He gets a pass because I remember the Terminator films fondly.
Go ahead and hate on their movies, but such bollocks needs to be backed up with specific examples, say, how Benjamin Button is a dead ringer for Tyler Durden, or how similar a character Bruce Willis played in both The Sixth Sense and Pulp Fiction, or how Tom Cruise prepared for his role in Tropic Thunder in an identical way to how he prepared for MI3, or Will Smith etc etc.
Ironically, you single out Arnie for a pass, the most narrow talent in the bunch