MR Darth Maul FX Lightsaber

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user 1190

Super Freak
Jul 27, 2006
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A heads up Borders Stores have these at 50% off right now. I just got 2 for $100:maul
That seems awfully cheap, is it the single hilt package or the double, I would deffinately specify that here for people so they don't walk in expecting one thing and get let down when it's another.
They are the singles, 99.99 -50%. I got two singles for $100.

I figured most people would realize that these are the singles if two were $100 at 50% off.

I like them but would never pay retail, so far I have got 4 for about a total of $200. I picked up Mace, Vader and Lukes at Costco when they had them on clearance for like 30 each.
Maul double and OWK Ep3 are the ones I paid full for, I got some direct from MR using membership discount on top of clearance sales, that's how I got my first one, I probably wouldn't have ever gotten one before Maul if I couldn't snag em cheap, though I'd only seen them online and in magazines so that made the normal price seem a bit high to me, had I known how cool they were in person I'd have probably gotten one sooner. I have Anakin Ep3, Obi-Wan Ep3, Vader Ep5, Luke Ep6 and Maul Double saber.
mfoga said:
A heads up Borders Stores have these at 50% off right now. I just got 2 for $100:maul

Do they come with the adaptor or something so you can hook them together to make the full size one?
Darkshadowcollectibles said:
They would both have one, so there would be a spare.

I believe that's incorrect, I'm not certain, but the adapter only comes with buying the 2 pack I believe.
Someone called ...


If it didn't come with the adapter, how else would you ever be able to connect them? :maul
LOTRFan said:
If it didn't come with the adapter, how else would you ever be able to connect them? :maul

MR said if you wanted them to connect you had to get the Double-Bladed set, I forget where, and it's got to be true because otherwise there would be no practical reason to make the double set.
mfoga said:
Yes each single has a screw in adapter that allows them to be connected.

Really, that's surprising, but I just checked the MR site and it says so as well, now I'm confused cuz I could swear somewhere it was stated you couldn't, but then again, wouldn't be the first time a company went back on something they intially said. I guess the idea was those only wanting one blade could do so and those wanting both could get that a little cheaper through the 2pack, which went for $200 versus the $240 it would cost at full price for 2 single packs.
MaulFan said:
MR said if you wanted them to connect you had to get the Double-Bladed set, I forget where, and it's got to be true because otherwise there would be no practical reason to make the double set.
The reason as far as I can tell to have both single and double is the double was $200 and the single was $120 making it $40 cheaper to buy a double set, well unless you get singles for 50% $100 each.
mfoga said:
:lol Ok I guess I replyed to slow:lol

It's ok, I went too fast and missed your post about it having the adapter.

Oh well, everyone enjoy it, it's a badass FX saber, but connected it's huge, I can't even stand it fully vertical in my house cuz it hits the ceiling, I took it to my job for casual Friday before Halloween, dressed as Maul of course, and everyone thought it was the coolest, and then later that night I wowed people at the Halloween party I went to, now if I just had two Jedi Knights to take up some light side sabers against me :)
Yeah I was shocked about the batteries though, AAAs now? They went from like 6 AAs to 3 AAAs. I couldnt pass it up at that price. Now if I can find Yoda Anakin and Obis all for that price Im good to go. I missed the Anakins at Costcos clearance price, none of my stores had them and my buddy took to long to get back to his store.
I am glad that they went with the AAA batteries, it makes for a much more accurate hilt size, the earilest FX sabers were really much too thick.
The AA battery sabers I have don't seem to thick, the only thing I don't like but it's unavoidable is sabers like Ep3 Obi and Ep6 Luke where the hilt has a thin connection between the handle and emitter, it has to be fat for the electronics and all for the FX sabers, though it looks a littler better on Obi's thank Luke's.
I was referring more to the older versions that used 6 AAs as opposed to only 3 or even the AAAs now.