I'll take your word for it Bannister.
Jesseawilson said:Just got mine, number #33 BABY!!
SolidLiquidFox said:I see a lot of dumping of these. Even Jesse's #33 is up on ebay.
Darklord Dave said:You hope they go out of business because they are trying to give more people what they want? They still make very cool replicas, I'd rather be able to get cool stuff cheaper and that seems to be the direction their marketing practices are taking us.
Jesseawilson said:I am gonna make a prop for you, a limited edition so you can finally buy a prop for this character that you have been waiting for. Then a few years later when I see that it has gone up alot in value and I am going to create some ridicules excuse to recast the same dam thing with a entirely new run and of course charge just shy of what they are going for on Ebay.
Wait no, I have another great Idea. I will release a product and get you all to buy it. Then I will stick it to you right up your a$$ just a few months later by releasing the same dam thing at $225 less and completely ruin the value of your item all together. Knowing mind you that given the choice 80% of you would have bought the cheaper one if given the choice. "Sell it and get the other one you say", Ohhhh to bad there sucker, they are not even worth what you paid for them. What us the bad guys, well "we never said that it would be the only version of this piece"......
Bannister said:I actually think the .45 obi wan is probably worse than what they did with some of the other stuff. at least the other stuff they re-released was at least slightly different from what they released before.