hahah... I suppose 6joker9 could argue that you should have typed something along the lines of: "Could you try to type more correctly, because it's hard to read your sentences (or posts)."
But yes, I do agree that netspeak and texting-based grammar is somewhat irritating... Slips in grammar are always commonplace online (and I'm guilty of getting lazy with grammar when typing posts online, too), but it's annoyin 2 reed postswhen dey look lyke dis
This was just a thread with sum pics of the fig, and no this thread is nt 2 discuss the price of the fig, its only mentioned as a Fact on page one and thats it. Why dnt u just keep yo nose in ur own buziness? If u guysHave some cool leon pics please dopost them
I think I will regret it for sure,but I have a holdiay next month to pay for and know I will have to get the DX Joker as soon as he is released so need spare funds. If he does not sell soon, I will just keep him and sell a kidney instead or something.
Lol, cool man, i would also love 2 get a dx joker but there will be enough produces 4 me 2 pick one up l8r. Im lookin 4 the rare stuf these days, 1989 joker, ht mills, ht mi2, ht matrix neo, and the elusive crm figures. So as they say i'm trying 2 play catch up.