Mrs. Lovett from Sweeney Todd help!

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Oct 15, 2011
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Hey guys, I've been planning on making this custom for a while now, and after getting my Sweeney this has become a must... Unfortunately a Helena head is nowhere to be found, so I'm open to suggestions. Also, i read that if i stick the head in boiling water very quickly the hair will curl to give it that perm look, is it true? Any help in this will be greatly appreciated as this my first custom n.n thanks!
If i ever get the head, be sure you will :p someone down at OSW made one with three different outfits, but the head was too barbie-ish, nevertheless, from the neck down, it was perfect and super detailed!
Someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the hair thing is the opposite. You put the hair in hot water to get curls out. Of course, it also depends on what the hair is made from...
There are only two Helena Bonham-Carter sculpts I know of: the Gentle Giant Bellatrix LeStrange bust and Rainman's "Heels".

I cut off the GG head and am still working on it. It is not a simple conversion unless you are already very skilled with sculpting.

I plan to make a wig cap with curly mohair. There are tiny hot curlers for dolls, but the mohair is probably easiest.

I desperately want this figure too. I will eventually just hire a sculptor if I cannot get a head sculpt on my own.
Wow that sounds... Complicated :p or maybe that's because im not familiar with the process. Unfortunately, i cant afford to buy the bust and if i could i dont have the skill to take the head apart from the bust without breaking everything u.u if you have progress pics of your work i'd be delighted to see them, maybe it'll help me understand how to cut it off better.. I wish you as much luck friend n.n i saw you around rainman's heels thread too u.u how i wish i could get that head T.T