My Gremlins collection

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Very nice collection you have. I wish I could have those.

So what´s your opinion about which is better, the Medicom Gizmo or Ronculus made?

I like the idea to buy from an artist like Ron, instead of buying from big company like Medicom.

I also saw this on Ebay. A Gizmo made in Argentina.

I saw a collector with it here.

I wonder how it is compares with the Ron made and Medicom.

I think I will try to get hold on a Ron made.:lol
@cryofry, wonderful roncula collection you have there.
I should have ordered more than just two. They are really unique.
I'm glad you got them all (and more!)

I'm in the middle of getting a humongous Neca Gremlin.
Hi would you ever consider selling your mowhawk one. I've heard such great things about rons props. And know they are hard to find all the best
Hey all,

I'm kinda new to this forum and thought I would post some pics of my Gremlins collection.

The "Gremlins" films have always been favourites of mine (I've seen both more times than I can count), but besides only owning a plus Gizmo from when I was a kid, I never had any proper collectables.

A few years back, I discovered that someone named "Ronculus" was making 1:1 Mogwai Prop Replicas. I saw pics and wanted all of them. I emailed him about 4 or 5 years ago, but he said he no longer made them. I was very upset. In the coming years, I did find out that he did still occasionally make them, when he had free time. Fast forward to a month ago and I tried emailing him again. He told me he didn't, but then a few weeks later, he said he had some free time and would make me a set! I got: Rambo Gizmo, Bandaged Gizmo, Stripe, Mohawk, Lenny & George. Prior to that, I was able to pick up Daffy from a person on this board who was selling his. I also got the Medicom Gizmo on eBay.

I also got a 1:1 Gremlin Stripe from the talented Sacha Feiner. It is simply amazing and goes well with Ron's Mogwai.

Both Ron and Sacha are excellent people to do business with and are very friendly. Sacha is currently making me a G2 Brown Gremlin so I can't wait to get that :)

I had to have a big "discussion" with my girlfriend over where to display it all. I got a couple of Detolf's from IKEA. She got a little angry when I put it near the lounge, but she's OK with it now :). I'm sure all you guys know where I'm coming from ha ha. Here are some pics of my collection so far:









Hi would you ever consider selling the mowhawk one
Very cool. Did those furballs come with the model? But this should probably be in the horror thread.
Great collection. I remember the first time I saw the original Gremlins when my brother rented it on VHS (1988 I think, I was 8 years old). My mother rented it a few more times because I liked it so much, that Christmas I got it on video to own, guess she thought It'd be much cheaper than renting it all the time!. It was my first movie on Video!. I've always loved those films, I have em on 3 formats now!. Sadly I don't own any figures, those customs are amazing!!!. I love the expression on the Mohawk mogwai. Ha Ha he looks so lifelike!.
cool collection!

Are gremlins Aliens though? :) I thought they were from earth.

Good question...I don't remember their origin.

So, I looked it up.

In the novelization of the film, the Mogwai were originally very peace-loving little creatures created by the scientist Mogturmen on a faraway alien planet.

So, according to the movie we don't know, But the official novelization says he's an alien.
I actually have the novelisation!!! it's rather well written but I'm not sure I like the explanation of the mogwai being genetically engineered on an alien planet. It would be interesting to see the original drafts of the screenplay and see if that was in the script or whether it was just something the novelisation author George Gipe created for the novel. I used to read a lot of novelisations as a kid and some of them seemed to put in a lot of their own ideas that weren't from the original filmakers. I haven't listened to the commentary on the DVD or Blu ray so it would be interesting to see if this was Chris Columbus official explanation or not. Either way it's a great series. I see the Bat Gremlin from Gremlins 2 is coming from NECA as well!.
it does indeed, think i might have to pre-order the bat gremlin myself particularly since i missed out on the spider one. Hey you like some cool stuff ironmanny, guaridans in the sig, TMNT #1 in the avatar image. I'm a big collector of TMNT stuff and have all of the original eastman and laird single issues. Unfortunately my #1 is a 2nd print otherwise it would be worth a hell of a lot more!.
The only Gremlin collectible I need. A quite heavily customised Medicom Giz.


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