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Re: STAR WARS PROPAGANDA site and my personal gallery.

oh man this kills me :lol

The look on his face is perfect

Check out this gif I made awhile ago.
It was made while he was still in the process of being finished, so for finished pics, see earlier posts.


Re: STAR WARS PROPAGANDA site and my personal gallery.

I need that Emperor. He's my favorite character and that's the most amazing sculpt of him I've ever seen. It looks just like him.
Re: STAR WARS PROPAGANDA site and my personal gallery.

He is my second favorite character. All of his lines in ROTJ are simply masterful and I love the way he sounds when he speaks.

Re: STAR WARS PROPAGANDA site and my personal gallery.

finally got a chance to spend more time on your site, awesome and fasinating stuff. Never knew how little modification was done to the original lightsabers... I knew they were made from camera equipment, but assumed a lot more work went into them.

I know its fairly easy to find (although a bit pricey) a Graflex 3 cell, but what about the MPP Microflash Unit... can't seem to find any info on how to track one of those down.
Re: STAR WARS PROPAGANDA site and my personal gallery.

Fribbin' great stuff, hombre!

Just made this front page "Site of the Day" at GalacticBinder to throw some extra traffic your way.
Re: STAR WARS PROPAGANDA site and my personal gallery.

Cool. Thanks!

Re: STAR WARS PROPAGANDA site and my personal gallery.

finally got a chance to spend more time on your site, awesome and fasinating stuff. Never knew how little modification was done to the original lightsabers... I knew they were made from camera equipment, but assumed a lot more work went into them.

I know its fairly easy to find (although a bit pricey) a Graflex 3 cell, but what about the MPP Microflash Unit... can't seem to find any info on how to track one of those down.

Finding an authentic MPP (and the same version used in the films) is extremely difficult. Especially because there are a lot of authentic MPP's out there that are missing some of the correct style parts such as the top shroud. So what they end up doing is taking some of the better replica parts and mating them with the real parts, and selling the whole thing as vintage authentic.
I recommend not buying any MPP flash off of anyone who is aware that it was used for a SW prop.

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Re: STAR WARS PROPAGANDA site and my personal gallery.

I can't get over how amazing your work is, Gino. The Yoda especially kills me every time I see it. :bow
Re: STAR WARS PROPAGANDA site and my personal gallery.

Finding an authentic MPP (and the same version used in the films) is extremely difficult. Especially because there are a lot of authentic MPP's out there that are missing some of the correct style parts such as the top shroud. So what they end up doing is taking some of the better replica parts and mating them with the real parts, and selling the whole thing as vintage authentic.
I recommend not buying any MPP flash off of anyone who is aware that it was used for a SW prop.


Thanks Gino... I started to notice that over the last couple of days. Seems getting one is not a very likely proposition :mopnkey2 But, sometimes that makes the hunt more fun :rock
Re: STAR WARS PROPAGANDA site and my personal gallery.


PS, hitting up old camera shops or flea markets is a good start.

Re: STAR WARS PROPAGANDA site and my personal gallery.

It's kind of nuts to think that camera dealers were throwing all these old flash units into the garbage for years. I got my first graflex in 1993 for $15 (and that was mostly to cover shipping).

Re: STAR WARS PROPAGANDA site and my personal gallery.

I'll have to start looking around... may just fine an oddball one and make my one version :lol Seems like it would be a very fun project, and I could get some practice in before finding a real one.

Any suggestions for finding the T-strips?
Re: STAR WARS PROPAGANDA site and my personal gallery.

Actually, I have some accurate t-track left over. It's not cheap though, but totally worth if it you want to have a super accurate prop replica with all found parts.
Send me a pm if you are interested.

Re: STAR WARS PROPAGANDA site and my personal gallery.

Here's a new one with a pic of my ESB Vader display photoshopped onto a background.
Going for that production photo look.


Re: STAR WARS PROPAGANDA site and my personal gallery.

One more.


Re: STAR WARS PROPAGANDA site and my personal gallery.


Your collection is AMAZING!!!
I am in awe of your talent:clap:clap
Re: STAR WARS PROPAGANDA site and my personal gallery.

Great must spend soooo much time recreating those beautiful props...wish I could do the same!! Off topic...Are there any 501st members from the UK on here?? I am interested in contacting someone particulary from thr south of England if possible. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Re: STAR WARS PROPAGANDA site and my personal gallery.

Here's a few new pics.



