Super Freak
A great review there man! 4 stars!
Michael Crawford said:I don't think you really have to worry about either of those. The base is hollow, but very sturdy, and the metal peg on his foot is really too long to let him fall over. But I'm going to get something like some poster tack to put a bit under that back foot to straighten him up a bit.
Alice Adrenochrome said:Nice review Michael. I don't have the figure in hand yet, but I also noticed that Lurtz is leaning over a bit to much on various pix posted all around. I'm also worried about that. It looks a bit like he's about to fall. Besides that, you never know if the hollow base will continue to support the weight of the figure in a few years.
jlcmsu said:You starting your own site Fritz? For reviews I mean?
Fritz said:No I had that geocities site for a couple years now and just haven't done anything with it so I figured it was a good free hosting spot to put some reviews up. It's more for fun really. Taking pictures and writing reviews keeps me from doing real work.I don't know about you but it takes a good two hours plus for me to write up a review like that and take some pictures. I was up until 2am last night.