My Little Pony Friendship is Magic

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Get ready for a laugh. Some of those people are some clowns

For all the negativity I have towards adults watching the show, I'm understanding about it actually helping some people. If it helps them get through life and makes them better people that's great. A lot of good people have emotional/social issues that being part of this community can help them with.

However, all that doesn't change that the writing is for children and that to the vast majority of people you come across as immature and yes, creepy for getting too into it.
I've have not made personal insults in this thread, yet you have to stoop to that level. What does that say that you have to do that?

That I have the good character and sense to single out a troll rather than denigrate an entire sub-culture and every single person who doesn't agree with my take on it.
For all the negativity I have towards adults watching the show, I'm understanding about it actually helping some people. If it helps them get through life and makes them better people that's great. A lot of good people have emotional/social issues that being part of this community can help them with.

However, all that doesn't change that the writing is for children and that to the vast majority of people you come across as immature and yes, creepy for getting too into it.

I think there is probably something out there that you don't want people knowing you like. Everyone has their guilty pleasures.
Who knows you could like wearing high heels, no one would ever know.
I always assumed that had something to do with the show's popularity among post-high school males. It's a good cartoon, and exactly the kind of thing they'd get **** on for liking by the knuckle draggers they dealt with for the past four years. Becoming fanatical about it would be a way of telling them off. It doesn't really make sense, but I can see where the motivation has its roots.

I like it because it's funny. Reminds me of the Marx Brothers (with a lot more color).
I think there is probably something out there that you don't want people knowing you like. Everyone has their guilty pleasures.
Who knows you could like wearing high heels, no one would ever know.

I wouldn't want people to know I go on a message board and try to explain why Bronies are creepy, but I'm certainly not going to go around bragging about it.
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Yes, the vast majority of Americans will think you're creepy if you are an adult man who is into MLP. I have no idea why you find that so difficult to believe.

This guy was fired from his job over MLP and I guarantee you that in most workplaces (outside of the arts) it will hurt your career if you are a known Brony.

that article...... lol :lol

here's one thing I was thinking about. Guys liking cute stuff is nothing new. There are guys that buy and collect barbies. And those guys get ridiculed all the time.
I know that some people think Collecting Batman Toys or Spiderman Toys is weird, but when a guy collects barbies... Thats a whole other story. I mean really, If I came in this forum and let's say for sake of argument I said "Oh yeah I have 200 barbies" people would mock me endlessly. (probably by some of the same guys that watch this show too, which is very ironic)

So the guy in the article, talking about his boss not liking it and his coworkers making fun... how is that new? fans of girly things have had to deal with ridicule for decades. Ask any guy that was a fan of Backstreetboys or Hanson in the 90s. Ask them if they were made fun of? Ask any guy that is a fan of Cher? Just find a guy that was a fan of something made for girls in the 90s or 80s (like carebears) ask them how they were treated by others. Or better yet, Ask a Twilight Fan... yeah, Find a guy that likes Twilight and talk to him and ask him how his devotion to that franchise is met?
Just watching those movies alone (Even if you hate them) Will make someone yell "GAY" just for having watched them lol.

Im just thinking, I don't get why sometimes bronies get so surprised about the jokes people do like this guy. Now I think Ive made myself Pretty clear in that I don't bash this show or the fans. Im just thinking, is it really that shocking that other people would find this show and the fans funny or creepy? It's been that way since... well, Always
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Yes, the vast majority of Americans will think you're creepy if you are an adult man who is into MLP. I have no idea why you find that so difficult to believe.

This guy was fired from his job over MLP and I guarantee you that in most workplaces (outside of the arts) it will hurt your career if you are a known Brony.

I wouldn't want people to know I go on a message board and try to explain why Bronies are creepy, but I'm certainly not going to go around bragging about it.


that article...... lol :lol

here's one thing I was thinking about. Guys liking cute stuff is nothing new. There are guys that buy and collect barbies. And those guys get ridiculed all the time.
I know that some people think Collecting Batman Toys or Spiderman Toys is weird, but when a guy collects barbies... Thats a whole other story. I mean really, If I came in this forum and let's say for sake of argument I said "Oh yeah I have 200 barbies" people would mock me endlessly. (probably by some of the same guys that watch this show too, which is very ironic)

So the guy in the article, talking about his boss not liking it and his coworkers making fun... how is that new? fans of girly things have had to deal with ridicule for decades. Ask any guy that was a fan of Backstreetboys or Hanson in the 90s. Ask them if they were made fun of? Ask any guy that is a fan of Cher? Just find a guy that was a fan of something made for girls in the 90s or 80s (like carebears) ask them how they were treated by others. Or better yet, Ask a Twilight Fan... yeah, Find a guy that likes Twilight and talk to him and ask him how his devotion to that franchise is met?
Just watching those movies alone (Even if you hate them) Will make someone yell "GAY" just for having watched them lol.

Im just thinking, I don't get why sometimes bronies get so surprised about the jokes people do like this guy. Now I think Ive made myself Pretty clear in that I don't bash this show or the fans. Im just thinking, is it really that shocking that other people would find this show and the fans funny or creepy? It's been that way since... well, Always

you sound too much of a hipster to me....
and if you're wondering why we dont watch carebears or w/e (which im sure some do) is because

Im just saying. Bronies makes it sound like guys have never been ridiculed for liking cutesy stuff. You would think no guy ever got bashed for buying a barbie doll.
Obviously you like what you like and you should be happy about it. Be Glad. But at the same time understand that some things seem super odd to the rest of the world instead of getting so defensive about it. Watching MLP or Buying barbies, some people are just not going to get it.
Yes, the vast majority of Americans will think you're creepy if you are an adult man who is into MLP. I have no idea why you find that so difficult to believe.

Oh. Your warped sentence construction and my inability to read your posts with more than a passing glance made me think you said that the vast majority of MLP fans are creepy.

So what you were actually saying was that people should subordinate their tastes to the lowest common denominator of social convention, regardless of whether they deserve to be treated as aberrant, or not. You're preaching base, hive-mind, conformity. That's your high road?
I'll say one thing... For sure, MLP is probably the most beautiful looking cartoon ever created. The Colors, the Drawings, My Little Pony is like if someone took Skittles and made a cartoon with them.
Looks like the true definition of "Eye Candy" because the show Literally looks like candy on screen. :lol