Super Freak
Man you have some real talent. Are you considering doing commissions or is it just a personal hobby?
:eek :eek :eek :eek :eek :eek :eek :eek Wow! Amazing!gideon said:Again, I thank everyone for the kind words.
Regarding Helms Deep: That is my big one that I have been working on for the last two years in between others. I have 600 figures which will occupy a space some 6 x 8 feet. The entire set comprises ALL of the HD buildings including both levels of the main keep. The causeway ramp is over three feet long.
And I just do these for my own enjoyment. I put so much work and money into them that I could never put a price on any of them.
gideon said:Thank you to everyone for the high words of praise. It is most appreciated. If anyone has any criticism or suggestions for improvement I would be greatly interested in that also.
If you want to see details, just double click on any picture and you get a page with it individually. Above the picture will be a tiny magnifying glass with the words "all sizes". Just click on that and it will give you a full screen image. That should give you enough detail.
Make sure you go to page four because that is the largest and most complicated of them and - I think - the best.
And they are fun to do. Lots of work - but fun.