Oh yeah!!! You were represented Coco!!! Sorry i didn't add your name to the list. Too many to remember. But yeah, your hat work was front and center in that Joker shot!
As for the figs and pics of thereof, I'll try to get shots of the Pirates, namely Jack, and his recipe, and the DX Joker work up soon. TOO much going on at once for me. This presentation was fun, and I needed it here locally, but it set me back a few days, so bear with me. I really did enjoy it though, and thanks guys.
The PLAYING WITH OUR FIGURES stuff....yeah...it was so funny. This one lady was certain that with so much articulation present in the bodies, that we had to be, or some of us at any rate, had to be PLAYING with them. Not sure how to answer that one, as I found it funny too. I mean, once I get a figure, and it finds it's pose that I like most, the one I display it in, it doesn't move much. I know others here are like that *cough* Wor-Gar! But I too think that way. Still, I/we know, they can be moved. It matters.
Still, to the unknowing public out there, we are a bit of an eccentric bunch I think. Overgrown kids. I hate the NERD or GEEK refs made all the time. It's not really fair, especially when in Asia they have museums for this stuff, and it's treated with respect. As are the collectors and artists that make them.
We here just have to keep on educating them is all.
One addon! I forgot to tell you all. In May, some of my figures are going on one month display, in the museum itself! Yeah! My work! In a frikkin' Museum! For me it's a first! I think Spencer's had some stuff in one, and others I am sure, but for me, it's a first. So, add that to all this.
We will educate them all! One way, or the other!