My review of the PF Boba

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IrishJedi said:
When it comes to these endless threads and debates, I understand. But Crawford's review is another story. It stands on its own.

Exactly. It was a spot on review and it even praised the statue in most areas, but because he gave the value only 1 and a half stars the apologists have to come out of the woodwork and jump all over that one point. It just never ends. :rolleyes:
Packaging: ***
Sculpting: ***1/2
Paint: ***1/2
Articulation: **1/2
Outfit: ***1/2
Accessories: **1/2
Value: *1/2
Overall: ***

To me, that is a pretty positive set of scores! I don't think that people on either side of the debate should focus only on the *1/2 in the value category when half the other categories are only a half a star away from perfection. The sculpting, the paint and the outfit are the most important categories for a PF, in my opinion--and they are the three highest scores.

An articulation grade on any PF has to be taken with a grain of salt because these are not intended to be fully articulated figures in the first place. The packaging makes a nice first impression but then gets thrown out or stored in the closet--unlike some 12" collectors, I don't know anybody who displays a PF figure in the box. "Accessories" is a slightly more relevant category, but again, with a PF there aren't by nature supposed to be a whole lot of extra pieces and parts.

The only category that can become relative is value. The paint job or sculpting aren't going to change. Value, however, can be different depending upon how much you pay. If the value is low at $325, then get it for less on eBay. If the paint job is bad, however, you have no such option. So thankfully, the three most critical areas on a PF received near-perfect grades. The lowest score went to the one category that the buyer can successfully adjust by being a smart shopper. Get it for less, and the subjective value category can be improved upon--while the high scores for outfit, sculpting and paint remain relevant.

My two cents.
The thing is a piece of art, that being said they skimped on the body material and with that you might have well just got the Medicom Fett, or should I say the "1/6th scale PF".
,..this fett looks awesome,...,if you don't like,.. don't ****ing buy the thing,.., simple,..,,.people pay $200-$300 on 12" plastic figures nowdays that aren't half this good or detailed,.....time to move on people,....,, there will be no winner in this argument,....

, unofficialy closing this thread,.. no more posts allowed!!! :monkey5

,..and good review, michael!
but because he gave the value only 1 and a half stars the apologists have to come out of the woodwork and jump all over that one point.

And the haters have to come out and say "see - the premiere review site says it's crap!"

Michael's review is extremely fair and balanced, which is something that hasn't been true of the hyperbole being thrown around about this item. Both sides are guilty of it and I think Michael's review (and his subsequent posts here) makes an excellent point - perception of value is completely subjective and will vary from buyer to buyer. Thus the debate will never end.

(Unless of course all the Boba's start selling for way above retail.)
rw23 said:
Let me guess, you bought this $325 piece of plastic? :rolleyes:
Yes and I am quite happy with it. And guess what I can tell it plastic from where I am sitting.
rw23 said:
Let me guess, you bought this $325 piece of plastic? :rolleyes:

,..,,,no, newbie,..i didn't,...yet,...but when i do,..i won't give a rats ass about what you or anyone else thinks as long as i'm happy with it,.....that's the point here,..,,
...i also don't give a crap about many 12" figures out there that i think are way overpriced,..but i won't keep repeating that like a pirate parrot everytime a thread about these figures comes up!,... :cool:
McHaleyArt said:'s "to each his own". I can aways go back an forth between poses if I get board with one or the other. I know some people don't like a poseble PF but I wish SSC had made Fett with poseble arms to begin with.

I understand the engineering issues inherent with making something posable, but I quite agree. I'd start being interested in these quarter scale items when they start containing articulation where there is no adverse effect on appearance... the only time I prefer to buy a "statue" over an "action figure" is when the statue is the only high-quality representation of the subject available.

As far as the whole endless polystone-vs-plastic wankfest that's gripped this section of this message board for far too long and that I'm totally sick of, I'm split... from what people are saying, I think polystone should have been used for Fett's base, as I'm not keen on squishy ground, but I think it makes absolutely no difference what the body composition is under the armor and clothing.

It's not like I buy my collectibles to feel them up (though I might make an exception if we got an Adam Hughes slave Leia).

Polystone is more appropriate when a surface is readily visible or touchable, such as the throne for Jabba, or the edition size is such that it actually makes economic sense (though in truth I wish they throne slab had been made of something lighter, as I plan to emigrate to Europe at some point in the forseeable future and I cringe at the thought of getting my throne shipped over there), but if the surface is not visible or even directly touchable, who cares? It's not like Mr. Fett was made of rock in the first place, and if/when we finally get our 1:6 Rnacor, I hope it's NOT totally made out of polystone. Too heavy and too fragile.

Imagine how much less enjoyable a polystone Jabba would have been.

I do feel that MWC addressed the issue well in his "value" section write up, though I'd make the argument that the primary problem isn't even the perception of value of the material itself so much as Sideshow flubbing the public relations aspects of how they went about announcing the material change.
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tomandshell said:
An articulation grade on any PF has to be taken with a grain of salt because these are not intended to be fully articulated figures in the first place. The packaging makes a nice first impression but then gets thrown out or stored in the closet--unlike some 12" collectors, I don't know anybody who displays a PF figure in the box. "Accessories" is a slightly more relevant category, but again, with a PF there aren't by nature supposed to be a whole lot of extra pieces and parts.

Any score for the categories of articulation and accessories on a statue should be considered a positive. A **1/2 star score in articulation for this Fett doesn't make him worse than, say, the PF Obi-wan because old Obi got a zero in this area. So even though they are low scores, they're higher than what you'd anticipate considering the format and actually help the overall.

tomandshell said:
The only category that can become relative is value. The paint job or sculpting aren't going to change. Value, however, can be different depending upon how much you pay. If the value is low at $325, then get it for less on eBay. If the paint job is bad, however, you have no such option. So thankfully, the three most critical areas on a PF received near-perfect grades. The lowest score went to the one category that the buyer can successfully adjust by being a smart shopper. Get it for less, and the subjective value category can be improved upon--while the high scores for outfit, sculpting and paint remain relevant.

My two cents.[/QUOTE]

I think everything is pretty much relative. People will still argue over whether or not the sculpt is dead on, etc. Facts like height and weight are truly quantifiable - everything else is opinion.