I don't think you should be fearful of losing your rights concerning the subject matter. I am definitely secure that this little hiccup in which is not even well acknowledged by the major populous will die off sooner rather than later. As it seems to have already. I constantly ask people around me if they heard about the whole "Mary Jane statue fiasco", and a constant reply is followed with a resounding, "N-O." This won't be the first time an individual(s) will be offended by such a frivolous and irrelevant topic/matter, nor will it be the last. I can not even fathom the thought that simply because some statue has fallen out of graces with some, it should not be made available to the consumer. A small select few that is.
Seriously, how can you disagree with me? For starters we agree on the principal being down right silly. I have two of these puppies coming to me... Well, hopefully. More potential than anything else. If my waitlist doesn't convert then hopefully the Godfather has my back. Either way, I think it's fruitless to give these goofballs the power to even acknowledge their idealization of what's proper and improper in today's pop culture and the merchandise that comes with it.
Trust me, the Mary Jane statue will go ahead and be released as planned. Come next year it will be as though none of this had happened. It's so downright silly and stupendous, not to mention so small in the big scheme of things, that this will become a distant memory. Easily forgotten amongst the MUCH more significant world issues and topics that deserve the attention.