That's one way to do it!Yea I think we only have 1 thread here on the board that's all encompassing for transformers, which is why I lurk on TFWI've actually owned all the original Hasbro 2007 MPMs, but sold them loose when a repainted KO came out. This way I have the official boxes and instructions. My OCD won't let me have some weird packaging and bad instructions lol I definitely wish Ironhide would've gotten a regular sized repainted KO like most of the others, he's the only one I have that's full on original. The oversized one is nice with great improvements on the joints, it's just too much out of scale.
I started out with a few KO's in an attempt to catch up on lost time with Masterpiece, but Wheeljack is the only one I still have. Sideswipe showed up broken in half so sent him back and bought a real one when it was re-issued. Silverstreak was a loose mess so gave him away and bought the cartoon deco version last year. The real ones are expensive but if you can get in early on the Amazon japan pre-orders it's a huge difference in price.This Transformers talk is funny. I didn't want to mention it yesterday because they're KO, but I have a few of the same ones! I have Sideswipe, Ratchet, Soundwave, Skywarp, and 4 four of the Z cars, Bluestreak, Silverstreak, Prowl, and Smokescreen. I used to have almost all the G1s as a kid and missed them. These new Masterpiece Series figures (OG or KO) are a little bigger and more complicated than I remember, but the detailing finished product is also better. I had just about ever figure upto the movie. Didn't get anything from the movie or later gens, but I had the originals. Stunticons, Aerialbots, Constructicons, even an original Jetfire with the Macross logo, I had them. But of course I entered my teens and had to TRY and be cool and gave up on all the fun stuff because of what my friends my think. It took me a good long while to get over that nonsense, so now I buy 1/6 figures, diecast cars, Transformers, lightsabers, etc. Who cares what others think. "We don't stop playing because we get old. We get old because we stop playing." Words to live, and collect, by.
Good luck! Be sure to share when you're finishedGreat job! Looks professional and classy. I?m hopefully getting my very own man cave soon, so I?m looking at this for inspiration![]()
Wow, it's simply amazing! Collecting at its best is very far from mere acquisitiveness; it may become one of the most humanistic of occupations, seeking to illustrate by the assembling of significant reliques, the march of the human spirit in its quest for beauty.
Yeah - the Hot Toys shelves are about 18-19" deep and 18" high. The lower cabinet the Batmobile sits on is closer to 20" deep as it comes out flush with the wall so I can eventually add glass doors.Looks really great. Would you mind telling us the depth and height of each shelf?
Thanks, a-dev! I tried a bunch of different options for ED-209 and clean Robo and just ended up going back to this battle setup. With robo’s back turned it creates a natural break between them and Mando and also separates them from battle-damaged Robo who’s kind of off in his own little world.Very, very nice. Love Robo battling ED-209.
Yeah really one figure per detolf cube looks best unless it’s a cube shared by someone crouching and someone flying or a 12” figure and smaller figure like Rocket or Yoda. More than that and a person is basically limited to museum poses just to make them fit.Yeah I'm not a big fan of detolfs anymore - far too ubiquitous and very limiting aswell. They can look good but anything more than 3 figures per cubicle is overcrowded - 1-2 actually seems best and my collection is already too big for that. So whenever I invest in proper shelves myself it won't be detolfs.
Hey Spanbauer! Always great photography! Really sharp display you have there! I admire your collections broad interests. I don't think they clash being displayed together either. I also like the dedicated drawer and that you set aside space to do that. I think it show a lot of serious dedication and your enjoyment of the hobby. The Batmobile is so awesome! Thank you for sharing! Look forward to the future progression.
I'm late to reply but wanted to say thank you, fellas!Awesome built-in Spanbauer! Nice posing too.![]()
Thank you! I go back and forth as to whether I should have gone all-white instead of the stained wood, but the wood matches the rest of the house.I love the whole look of your setup! The wood, glass, and lighting all go really well together and highlight the figures nicely.
Thanks! Yeah that's probably true lol.The stained wood looks classy and helps to delineate the different shelves. An all-white display sometimes looks like they are in a fridge.