Heres another looong update:
Alright, we spoke to 3D Cart Stores, and they said the problem with us uploading the sale items and with customers being able to navigate the store and purchase items was with a faulty server, which crashed from the suddenly heavy traffic. They're moving our online store over the weekend to a new and more powerful server which should be able to handle the traffic.
We're going to delete all of currently unprocessed orders through Store Horsemen and any orders that finally made it through the system will be deleted (you will receive emails about this if your order went through), and the credit card authorizations for those orders will be nullified so that you're not charged (no credit cards are actually charged until we manually process them).
Then, this coming Monday, November 14th at 3pm EST everything is going back up for sale on once again - hopefully with no more crazy glitches.
We know this is a frustrating and inconvenient way to do things, but we had no idea this kind of issue was going to arise, because it went completely smoothly during the Mythic Legions: Covenant of Shadow pre-orders. Hopefully we'll avoid this kind of catastrophe again by getting moved to a more powerful server.
We will be doing a test of the store system and making all of the items live about an hour or so before the sale launches, but please be aware that any purchases that are made before the 3pm sale is to begin will be cancelled and deleted without notice to the buyer. We want to make this sale as fair as we can for everyone.
We really do want to get these figures into the hands of people that want them. We promise! All of this confounded technology just keeps getting in our way!

Thanks once again for your patience, understanding and support. We really appreciate it.