Mythic Legions by Four Horsemen

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Will someone with knowledge of this Kickstarter tell me if these figures will be on sale post-Kickstarter? I can't afford to pledge right now but I want to pick some up later. Too bad I missed the boat on Gothitropolis.

This is my understanding, but I'm not 100% sure. After Kickstarter closes you can add to your order if they do it the same way as they did Gothitropolis, but only if have an order. For example you could order a $30 standard skeleton during the initial kickstarter ending tomorrow and after kickstarter is closed add on to that order. I believe last time they gave about a month before they closed that. So you could then add some regular figures for $33 or whatever else you may want to add.

Beyond that they will sell them when they arrive in the store. I believe they pre-sold them about a month before they hit the store last time. There is no gaurantee that you will be able to get an order in though. The birds went really quickly last time. Also they mentioned allowing kickstarter backers to order first.

Of course I could be wrong on some of the details.
This is my understanding, but I'm not 100% sure. After Kickstarter closes you can add to your order if they do it the same way as they did Gothitropolis, but only if have an order. For example you could order a $30 standard skeleton during the initial kickstarter ending tomorrow and after kickstarter is closed add on to that order. I believe last time they gave about a month before they closed that. So you could then add some regular figures for $33 or whatever else you may want to add.

Beyond that they will sell them when they arrive in the store. I believe they pre-sold them about a month before they hit the store last time. There is no gaurantee that you will be able to get an order in though. The birds went really quickly last time. Also they mentioned allowing kickstarter backers to order first.

Of course I could be wrong on some of the details.

Is this confirmed or just a guess? I am still hesitating with my order as I want to go all in, but would need some more time to arrange the payment. This would help ALOT.
Is this confirmed or just a guess? I am still hesitating with my order as I want to go all in, but would need some more time to arrange the payment. This would help ALOT.

I'm not sure exactly how it works, but here is what Four Horsemen posted in the comments on Kickstarter:

"@Jeremy DeGagne: You will be able to add items through our pledge manager after the Kickstarter has ended. You can add anything that you'd like, but you can't lower your pledge once the Kickstarter is closed."

You would need to have an order before Kickstarter ended to add onto though.
Sounds like I can order for 30$ or more now and upgrade to allin on Friday. That would be perfect!

Anybody know when the credit card will usually be charged? Will it already be in March or more likely April?

Oh in case someone is looking for one: I have put one of my kidneys up in the FS section. Never been displayed, good condition for its age. Just send me an offer if you are interested. :duff
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I really wanna pull the trigger on some of these but I just can't justify the cost. I collect too much as is.
Just so everyone knows the Four Horsemen posted "but there is a possibility that some of the items may not be available for purchase through Backerkit beyond what was ordered during the Kickstarter campaign."
Just so everyone knows the Four Horsemen posted "but there is a possibility that some of the items may not be available for purchase through Backerkit beyond what was ordered during the Kickstarter campaign."

Just curious where that was stated? It would be nice to know which items they are talking about so we can add them to our initial pledge now.
Just curious where that was stated? It would be nice to know which items they are talking about so we can add them to our initial pledge now.

They have corrected the statement: "@K. Mitchell: Sorry for the confusion. In all of the excitement here today, we just made a mistake when we wrote that up. Some items may not be available in StoreHorsemen later on if they don't perform well (and of course, Sir Valgard), but everything here in the Kickstarter will be available on BackerKit. Again, sorry about that!"
Ugh, I can't decide if I want to go all-in on these or not. Guess I need to start selling some hot toys, as I'm getting priced out of the avengers line. Recent IM figs are going to be the first to go.
Ugh, I can't decide if I want to go all-in on these or not. Guess I need to start selling some hot toys, as I'm getting priced out of the avengers line. Recent IM figs are going to be the first to go.

well you got less than 2 hours to decide
Well what did everyone get?
It was a tough call for me, I couldn't afford the "all in" option but there were so many I wanted! In the end I tried to think logically about what items I wanted that would likely be available in their store after the fact (weapons packs and army builders mostly) and then focus on characters I don't think will be widely available.
With the kickstarter pledge I got:
- FanEx Blood Knight
- Kickstarter Ex Sir Valgard (dwarf)
- Malleus (skeleton warlord)
- Urzokk (Orc General)
- Barbarian Builder Set
- Asterion (Minotaur)
- Bothar Shadowhorn (dwarf)

Then in the backerkit I plan on adding:
- Azhar (Yellow demon Lord)
- Zazhar (Blue demon Lord)
- Attila Leossyr (Lion Helmed Human)
- Gorgo Atherblade (Evil Black Knight)
- Sir Gideon Heavensbrand (Eagle Helmed Knight with the porn-stache)

It was a tough call, especially because I have a feeling the Bog-Goblin is gonna be the hard to find figure when all is said and done.
Hey if you passed on Kickstarter like me, they are currently in stock online! I am suprised I managed to get all the ones I wanted before selling out!

Thanks for the heads up, Indeedely! I am now surfing through the list trying to find my favorite 4. I hope they don't sell out soon.

They opened up a pre-order which will close Monday at 3 PM EST so they won't sell out, but it will close after that. They said they will have some stock when they get the figures in, but it will be limited, so now is the time to get the figure you want.