I went in heavy on Mythic & Cosmic Legions over the past couple of years, but I got to the point where I was getting them in the post and just not feeling that excitement (my last Cosmic figure is still in the box), so I cut right back. I think the trouble was that there was just too much stuff, and when you buy the volumes of figures I started buying, the fun goes out of it a bit.
I have a few figures from the Necronominus wave ordered, and I think I'm genuinely excited for them. I'm just focussing on Knights and Skeletons.
The first wave of Cosmic was superb, but I think I'm out of that line, for now.
As for the dragon. Lol, no way I'm paying around £1000 for it by the time I pay postage and tax for UK delivery. I look at what I got for £300 in the Sentinel Haslab, and I can justify that. This, not so much, as awesome as it is.