Yeah, hearing of the passing of sadistic, mass-murdering dictators always pulls on the old heart strings on a bit.Come on guys have a heart. The guys just died and there family have lost someone they love!
Rest Rin Piece
Yeah, hearing of the passing of sadistic, mass-murdering dictators always pulls on the old heart strings on a bit.Come on guys have a heart. The guys just died and there family have lost someone they love!
Rest Rin Piece
Like father, like son.
I hope his education in Switzerland did something for him.
Lots of humorous comments here, I can understand that.
The way I see it, any country with nuclear capability shouldn't be taken lightly.
if that fat kid has a tiny peepee and/or got bullied in school... i think we'd all better invest in a radioactive bunker
Any bullies of that kid would have ended up in shallow grave, and anyone he knew with a larger peepee probably got theirs removed. Not that this would have helped him grow up to be a more reasonable, rational individual.
Any bullies of that kid would have ended up in shallow grave, and anyone he knew with a larger peepee probably got theirs removed. Not that this would have helped him grow up to be a more reasonable, rational individual.
God only knows. He probably did whatever it is that Il-sung did to Jong-il to turn him into the freak that he became.
I don't like that country. Is this the same one Christian Bale just went to recently?
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