Super Freak
Cool to hear about Joker, I hope it is Nicholson. Can never have too much from that movie.
It could be, but not likely since they are focusing on the movies....
Joker aside (I don't know, I can and can't see them doing it), I definitely see them making a battle damaged '89 Batman to reuse that tool/mold. Maybe include different accessories too.
Maybe that's why they've got the grapple from the end, there's nothing to say those accessories are only for the figure we've seen.
Is that Mr. Furley as the riddler?
I'm actually surprised they passed on the opportunity of designing the steel gauntlet. That'd be extremely cool in this scale.
While it may not go over well, there's also a chance of NECA doing Nicholson Joker without a Nicholson likeness, either for skill or for need, there have been NECA figures with portraits close but not spot on to the actor, maybe they could do something close enough to Nicholson but off enough he can't argue to get money for it. Sure the lack of likeness might bother a lot of people, especially where it's 18" and much bigger than any previous effort, but they might hope for fans just to be so happy to have the pair for $160 they won't care so much if it just looks passingly like Jack.
Good example, the Kyle Reese and Cpl. Hicks figures, they look close enough to Biehn that I like them, but they're off enough, there's plenty of room where others think they look nothing like him, and he might have a hard time arguing that his likeness was used.
I'd be curious to see a NECA Jack Joker, will they make him heavier set like Jack looked, HT gave it an effort but I don't think they made him as hefty as he appeared on screen.
NECA does have some tricks up their sleeves, so anything is possible.
True about Nicholson getting a cut on the Batman merchandise anyway. If NECA does to it, I'd prefer they choose a different look for him and not the promotional pic/end of the film look that Hot Toys chose. But since that's "regular Joker" essentially, that's probably what any company would logically go for.
Joker aside (I don't know, I can and can't see them doing it), I definitely see them making a battle damaged '89 Batman to reuse that tool/mold. Maybe include different accessories too.
If they skipped on the Nicholson likeness to save some scratch, it wouldn't be much because they're still marketing it as a Batman 1989-version Joker so even without Jack's face on it, Jack gets paid. Maybe a little less without his likeness (but I doubt it, because it is his character anyway)...and without his likeness, like you said, it would piss off a lot of fans, and probably hurt the sales of the figure decreasing the chance they'll make their money back on it. In the end, it's not worth it to cheap out on the likeness in this case. They've got to pay to play.
That would be great. Has NECA ever shipped figures with multiple heads? I think Hot Toys came up a little short by not including a water-splashed dirty makeup and/or flesh-tone makeup head with their Nicholson Joker, especially considering it was a DX and that the Keaton DX got multiple faces (in a matter of speaking). Maybe each extra look would have added to the amount they had to pay Jack? I wouldn't put it past him and his crazy contract.