Man this looks great. But how goodvthey get this and the West Batman to look great, but fail so so bad with MoS Superman.
Looks great. The neck could be a bit fuller on the sides, but other than that, this is a fantastic sculpt.
The only thing I don't like is those cross eyes. Hopefully we don't have that problem on ours.
For being a mass produced retail store figure, I'm blown away buy the final look of the body and armor. It looks clean and just as good, if not better than Hot Toys. They did a great job hiding the joints as well. This will be an 85 dollars well spent.
I will have more fun with this than the HT, but the neck is too narrow, I will inform NECA after coffee.
For $90 I suppose it's ok. It'll make a good stand in until HT does a 1/4 scale version.
I don't like the cowl or cape primarily. The Keaton face look great.
Damn, look at the detail on that suit...The head looks a bit better.
Still a little too long in the face, maybe?
Has anything been said about maybe doing a Jack joker?
Or anything from returns?