you should really make a detailed instruction or make more and sell them to us!!You could make your own for maybe 10.00
Get an wooden 7 x 9 plaque from hobby lobby
Buy the 6 inch wooden doll stand
Un screw the metal base from the wooden doll stand.
Mark the holes on the wooden plaque.
Drill the holes you marked.
Paint the wooden plaque your disired color.
Let the paint dry for 4 hours or so.
Clear coat the wooden plaque let it dry over night.
Screw the metal rod to the base.
Use an hot toys crotch grabber for support.
p.s. now i'm not happy i didn't purchase that small TMNT set. looks perfectly next to giant ones.
p.p.s. oh i checked the named details, and there is really no need for a detailed instruction. unfortunately shipping is way too expensive for me (about $30 for each of 8 items).