Here is my current set up for my dio.
Anyone else have some ideas for additional items?? Im trying to locate a 1:12 scale rooftop air conditioner unit.
BTW anyone looking for a SDCC diorama I have an extra I am looking to unload. Send a PM and I will let you know details.
Great layout! I really like the spacing/distribution of the turtles' locations along with the accessories at the bottom. The accessories add a lot of character to the dio and really help ground the overall look as well.
As to additions, I think one of those older style multiple cross-bars TV antennas and a roof turbine vent would look pretty cool on the top level. Not to clutter things, but a small section of railing and then maybe a ladder down one side of the mid level could look nice too.
**EDIT** Almost forgot I wanted to mention your NECA stands too. How are they working for you? Do the pegs hold pretty solidly in the feet? I received some this weekend and found them to be slightly loose/not large enough diameter. The additional support is nice to have, but I'd prefer it had a bit more grip/friction in the foot hole.
Dang no store pick up? Haven't been paying attention to the 1/6 set, are prices outrageous right now?
Yo, gamestop will be getting the turtles? I hope so for you fellas who missed out.
Dang no store pick up? Haven't been paying attention to the 1/6 set, are prices outrageous right now?