I haven't been able to find a decent photo, what is the correct look for the Predators shorts?
The multilayered look as seen on the toy and on the Classic Predator from the latest movie?
The smooth look as seen on the Sideshow and Cinemaquette statues?
I see you are using the 18" Spider-Man figure for the joints, good choice. That is one of my top favorite figures of all time.
Let me know if you need netting, I have a ton left over.
Here are some in-progress of my customized Pred. Still a lot of paint work to do (missing details & color blending right now), and he'll have an electrostatically applied suede finish on the leather parts, custom netting, and a jungle base.
Haven't touched my 1:4 skull sculpture in a while, but he'll have that too. It's actually sized to the Pred, with eye sockets matched up (so a little smaller than 1:4)